EGW Quotes-Christ

           C H R I S T               (  210  RELATED  PHRASES )    

   The word  Christ  appears  69,224 times in the published writings of EGW           See page on Original site                              The name  Jesus appears  37,038 times in the writings of EGW  -  Go to portal page    
     Other  names  for  Christ   ( Separate page with 10 names and 8 related phrases )

           38  phrases  related  to  Christ's           See page on Original site              

     +     Christ came to .  .  .   ( 837 )    ( Separate page with 34 phrases )
                    Including   Jesus came to . . .  ( 237 )   and   He came to . . .   ( 1,339 )
                                          Christ said,  I came to . . .   ( 13 )


    +     Christlike  ( 1,504 )   +  Christlike disposition  ( 7 )   +  Christlike manner  ( 34 )   also Un-Christlike

    +     Accept Christ as the Son of God  ( 2 )    >    Accept Jesus as the Son of God  ( 5 )         

   ++    Apart from Christ  ( 68 )        >  separated from Christ  (  )

    +     As did Christ    ( 54 )

    +     Beholding Christ  (  )   +   beholding Jesus  (  )

   ++    cause of Christ  ( 366 )      [ see also  cause of Jesus ]

    +    Christ became  ( 117 )  >   Christ became one  ( 24 )    >   Christ became one flesh with us  ( 6 )

   ++     Christ died for them  ( 6 )

   +++   Called to suffer for Christ  ( 17 )

                                                 C H R I S T     I S  .  .  .                                                           

  The phrase  'Christ is'   appears  5,460 times in the writings of EGW

   +   Christ is the Son of God  ( 29 )   >  Jesus Christ is the Son of God  ( 15 )   >  The Son of the living God  ( 76 )

   ++    Christ is grieved     ( 18 )    >   Spirit of Christ is grieved  ( 5 )

                         ►   Jesus is grieved   ( 5 )     >    Jesus is slighted when  ( 3 )

   ++   Christ is the Truth    ( 18 )

      Christ is the true Standard of character   ( 4 )

   +    Christ is with us      ( 5 )


   ++    Christ said  ( 942 )     ►    To His disciples Christ said  ( 10 )  
see Words of Christ )   separate page with 10 phrases
                                      ►    Christ declared   ( 349 )   >  Christ declares  (  )

    ++    Christ was treated  ( 13 )   >   Just like Christ was treated  ( 1 )   key

      +    Christ would have come   ( see Second Advent )


         +    Deal with others  >  as you wish Christ to deal with you  ( 3 )

    +    instruction which Christ  ( 5 )  >   instruction from Christ ( 5 )  see Christ's instruction

    +     Like Christ   (  )        

         ►    Unlike Christ    (  )   >    Unchristlike  ( 162 )   >   Unchristlike natures  ( 3 )  

                                     >  unchristlike manner  (4)    >   Unchristlike self  ( 2 )   Key

    +    represents Christ  (  )   +   misrepresent Christ  (  )   > 

    +    obey Christ  (  )   >>>   Obey the injunction of Christ  ( 5 )


   ++    Receive Christ  ( 237 )   

           >>    receive Christ by living faith  ( 5 )    >    receives Christ by living faith  ( 4 )

     +    Reject Christ   (  )      >   Rejecting Christ    ( 30 )  

      ►   Saviour  (  )   >   Personal Saviour   (  )   >   our Saviour  (  )

                             >    receive Christ as a personal Saviour  ( 19 )
                             >    receives Christ as a personal Saviour  ( 4 )

     ++    separated from Christ  ( 31 )    ( see without Christ )

         +              +             +           +    

                                             .  .  .   I N     C H R I S T                                                              

    +    Believe in Christ  (  )   >   Believe in Christ as a personal Saviour  (  )
                                            >   Believe in Christ as your personal Saviour  (  )

   +    Faith in Christ  ( 755 )     >   Profession of Faith in Christ
                                                  >   Salvation through Faith in Christ
                      ►   Live by Faith in Christ 
 ( 10 )    >  Live by faith in the son of God
                      ►   Doctrine of Justification of Faith in Christ

   +    One in Christ  ( 83 )       ►     One in Christ Jesus   ( also One with Christ - see below )

   +   Our thoughts center in Christ  (  )

   +    Perfect in Christ  ( 112  )     >   seek to become perfect in Christ  (  )   


                                        .  .  .    O F    C H R I S T                                                                                               

  ++    Ambassador of Christ  ( 30 )   >   every ambassador of Christ  ( 5 )
      >>  Christ's Ambassadors  ( 64 ) 
  See Ambassador for Christ ( below )

   +    the blood of Christ    ( 834 )     >    faith in the blood of Christ

   +    Character of Christ   (  )      See   Christ's Character   >   Christlike Character

"When the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come." Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own.  {COL 69.1}

  ++   Contemplation of Christ  ( 26 )    >   enjoys contemplation of Christ

   +    Death of Christ    ( 374 )     >    At the Death of Christ  ( 42 )   >    After the Death of Christ   ( 13 )

   +    Disciple of Christ  ( 158 )   >   true disciple of Christ  (  )
                                                         >    every disciple of Christ  ( 26 )
            ►  Disciples of Christ  (  )   see followers of Christ

   +    Divinity of Christ  ( 93 )      >    Deity of Christ

   +    Example of Christ    ( 309 )     >   Follow the example of Christ  
                                                          >  Christ gave us an example of . . .  ( 6 )

   +   Follower of Christ    (  )      ►   true follower of Christ  ( 60 )   [ . . . of Jesus ]
                                                      >    every follower of Christ should . . . 
                                    ( see  disciple of Christ )

           ►   Followers of Christ   ( 1,396 )    >   true followers of Christ  (  )
                                                            >   professed followers of Christ  (  )
                                                            >    those who follow Christ  ( 59 )
                           ( see  Christ's followers also  disciples of Christ )  

+     Follow Jesus       to follow Jesus requires . . .  ( 3 )


   +    Footsteps of Christ  ( 69 )    >   Walk in the footsteps of Christ  ( 21 )

  ++   grace of Christ  ( 1,911 )   >>   through the grace of Christ ( 393 )  >  riches of the grace of Christ ( old site )

   +    Humanity of Christ   (  )    >    His Humanity  ( 220 )

      Image of Christ    ( 222 )     ►    Reflect the image of Christ   ( 20 )
                                                       ►     Reflecting the image of Christ   ( 17 )
                       ►  In His image  ( 91 )
                       ►   Image of Jesus   (  )      >    Receive the Image of Jesus

   +++   injunction of Christ  ( 28 )

   +   Joy of Christ   ( 50 )    >    Joy of the Christ in the soul  

     Knowledge of Christ    ( 344 )   

   ++   The Life of Christ   ( 1,180  )   

                       ►   Study the Life of Christ    ( 53 )
                       ►    Receive the life of Christ  ( 5 )
                                    >   impartation of the life of Christ  (  )
                       ►   Ordained unto the life of Christ   ( 9 )
                       ►   unselfish life of Christ 
 ( 5 )
      >   Life of our Saviour


   +++   the Love of Christ ( 1,785 )        +++    illustration of the love of Christ  ( 5 )       
                                                 >   Christ expressed his love for his disciples

      Meekness of Christ   ( 139 )     >    Meekness and lowliness of Christ

       Merits of Christ    ( 235 )     >    through the merits of Christ  (  )
                                     ►    Merits of Jesus  ( 101 )   >  through the merits of Jesus  (  )

      Miracles of Christ   ( 40 )     >   works and miracles of Christ  (  )

    +   Mission of Christ    ( 148 )       ( see  Christ's Mission )

      Obedience of Christ   ( 87 )    >    [ see Obedience ]

    +   Parables of Christ  (  )

    +    Peace of Christ  ( 233 )  >   Peace that Christ gave to His disciples  (  )

       Power of Christ    ( 319 )      >    Manifestation of the power of Christ 

    +    The presence of Christ  ( 239 )   >   In the presence of Christ  (  )

    +    Reign of Christ    ( 17 )      ►     Spiritual reign of Christ   ( 3 )

    +    Religion of Christ    ( 441 )     >    Not the religion of Christ   >  Religion of Christ is endangered  ( 1 )

       Representative of Christ   ( 109 )   >    become a representative of Christ  (  )

    +   Resurrection  of  Christ   ( 100 )     ►    Resurrection of Jesus  ( 73 )

    +    Righteousness of Christ   (  )

      ( Separate section for )    School of Christ    ( 872 )  

       Servants of Christ    ( 276 )    >  


    +   the service of Christ  >    In the service of Christ   ( 111 )   >   employed in the service of Christ

    +    Soldiers of Christ  (  )

    +    Spirit of Christ   ( 1,310 )     >   not the spirit of Christ   ( 1 )    >    in the spirit of Christ  (  )

       the sufferings of Christ   ( 160 )   >    partaker in the sufferings of Christ   ►  Christ's sufferings  ( 101 )

    +   teaching of Christ  ( 66 )   ►  Contrary to the teaching of Christ  (  )
                                Teachings of Christ   ( 301 )    >    Follow the teachings of Christ

       Testimony of Christ   (  )    >    Testimony of Jesus Christ   ( 177 )

       the voice of Christ   ( 68 )

    +    the Words of Christ   ( 1,060 )    See separate page with 10 phrases


    +    Work of Christ    ( 425 )      ►   Counterfeit the work of Christ  ( 7 )
                                                        >    counteract the work of Christ  ( 3 )
                                                      ►   doing the work of Christ  ( 5 )
                  Video:   Amazing Work of Christ in you  by Allen Davis

         >    Works of Christ  ( 313 )     ►    do the works of Christ   ( 48 )
                                                            >   will do the works of Christ   (  )
                                                            >    wonderful works of Christ  ( 11 )
                          ⇒ The Lord's Work  ( 563 )

    +    Yoke of Christ   ( 302 )

   +   . . .  for  Christ  (  )   

             ++   ambassador for Christ  ( 16 )    ( see ambassador of Christ )

               +   Missionary for Christ   ( 7 )   >   Missionaries for Christ   ( 17 )    

                   >     become missionaries for Christ  (  )

          ++   Suffer for Christ  ( 67 )    >   suffer for Christ's sake  (  ) 

              >  Called to suffer for Christ   >   An honor to suffer for Christ



                                        .  .  .    T O    C H R I S T                                                                                               

    +    Belong to Christ   ( 54 )       >     You belong to Christ  (  )     ►   Belongs to Christ   ( 12 )

  ++    Come to Christ   ( 314 )   >   willing to come to Christ  (  )   [ come to Jesus ]

  ++    done to Christ Himself  ( 9 )   [ old site >  done to Christ Himself   ( 9 )    >    done unto Christ Himself  ( 2 )

    +    Connection to Christ  (  )    >    Connected to Christ

                                            .  .  .  WITH   CHRIST

    +   Co-laborers with Christ   (  )

      Connection with Christ  ( 246 )  >  close connection with Christ  ( 37 )

        One with Christ   ( 389 )      
  Oneness with Christ   ( 59 )     >   disturb our oneness with Christ

    +    Relationship with Christ   ( 20 )    >    Close Relationship with Christ

    +    Union with Christ  (  )   >   Union with Jesus Christ  (  )

    +    Without Christ   ( 160 )   > 

   Salvation is not to be baptized, not to have our names upon the church books, not to preach the truth. But it is a living union with Jesus Christ to be renewed in heart, doing the works of Christ in faith and labor of love, in patience, meekness, and hope. Every soul united to Christ will be a living missionary to all around him.— Letter 55, 1886. { Ev 319.1} 

               S E C O N D    C O M I N G    O F    C H R I S T         

    +    Second Coming of Christ   ( 183 )   >   Second  Coming
                                                      >   Prior to the Second coming of Christ

    ►   before the second coming of Christ  (   )
                                             >    Just before the second coming of Christ

                                             >   Just before Christ's second coming   ( 16 )

 ++   Second Advent of Christ  (40 )  >>   before the second advent of . . .  ( 11 )

                                        >>    relate to the second advent of Christ
                                        >>    follows the second advent
                                        >    time of the second advent  (  )  not finished

    +    Christ would have come  ( 18 )

  - -  Christ's   ( separate page )     There are 38 phrases in the section for Christ's _____


                 OTHER  PHRASES  ABOUT  CHRIST

    +    Christ had perfect understanding


        SECTION  FOR  JESUS    ( separate  page )

  ++   Come to Jesus  ( 215 )   >  need to come to Jesus  (  )

    +   Jesus defended Himself  ( 3 )   >   Jesus defended His disciples  ( 3 )

       in the presence of Jesus  ( 49 )   >   in the presence of Christ

       the spirit of Jesus   ( 170 )    >    unlike the spirit of Jesus   ( 5 )   >    the spirit of Jesus Christ 

    +    Jesus Christ ( descriptions )

    - - -  What Jesus said   - - -   What saith our Saviour?
                                     ►  My Father will love him  ( 63 )
                                          >   Jesus said to His disciples  (  )

        Jesus came to the world  ( 18 )  ►  Jesus came to this world  ( 9 )
 ►   Jesus came to our world  ( 54 )
                                                            >   Jesus came to our world to save
            ( see  Christ came to . . . ) [ 36 phrases ]

        merits of Jesus  ( 101 )   >  through the merits of Jesus  (  )

    +     true follower of Jesus  (   )   see  True follower of Christ  ( 60 )

               ►     +      ►          ►   
             My personal favorites


  Christ was a Seventh-day Adventist, to all intents and purposes. It was He who called Moses into the mount and gave him instruction for His people. . . . In awful grandeur Christ made known the law of Jehovah, giving, among other charges, this charge: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." My brother, you have not placed upon the Sabbath the sanctity that is required by God. Irreverence has come in, and an example has been set that the Lord does not approve. He is not honored and glorified.  {MM 49.4}   Christ taught 28 SDA Fundamental Beliefs
  How sad it is that through our indifference to our eternal interests we are far from Christ. . . . We do not see the glory of God shining upon every round of the ladder; we do not climb up by Christ, making advancement in the divine life. If we did this, we should reflect the image of Christ, have purity of character, and become like lights in the world. We should constantly behold Him, until we should be charmed with the graces of His character; then we would not fail to talk of Him and His love. We should then be in possession of rich blessings which the world cannot give or take away, and we should lose our relish for sin.   (ibid., Dec. 15, 1890).  {LHU 239.5}


  By beholding Christ, by talking of Him, by beholding the loveliness of His character we become changed. Changed from glory to glory. And what is glory? Character,—and he becomes changed from character to character. Thus we see that there is a work of purification that goes on by beholding Jesus { SD 337.5 } 


  "Had God the Father come to our world and dwelt among us, veiling His glory and humbling Himself, that humanity might look upon Him, the history that we have of the life of Christ would not have been changed in unfolding its record of His own condescending grace. In every act of Jesus, in every lesson of His instruction, we are to see and hear and recognize God. In sight, in hearing, in effect, it is the voice and movements of the Father." Letter 83, 1895. also: That I May Know Him, p. 338.4

We need not keep our own record of trials and difficulties and difficulties, griefs, and sorrows. All these things are written in the books, and heaven will take care of them. While we are counting up the disagreeable things, many things that are pleasing to reflect upon are passing from memory; such as the merciful kindness of God surrounding us every moment, and the love over which angels marvel, that God gave His Son to die for us. If as workers for Christ you feel that you have had greater cares and trials than have fallen to the lot of others, remember that for you there is a peace unknown to those who shun these burdens. There is comfort and joy in the service of Christ. Let the world see that life with Him is no failure.  {GW 477.3}


 Note:  Numbers shown in ( ) is the  ( number of texts ) containing this phrase

                        Return to Selected Quotations by EGW page

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