Selected EGW Quotations ( 7,000 phrases )

This  page  develops  a  list  of  selected quotations  from  the  writings  of  Ellen G. White

        -—     Our Favorites - for a collection of our favorite paragraphs             

   To discuss the April quote  Click here

    Entire Chapters that inspire


      7,000 Words  and  Phrases   ( List of 'A' is below - for other letters }
  <      >

  - B -   

   - C -   

   - D -   

   - E -   

   - F -   

   - G -   


  - H - 

   - I - 

   - J - 

   - K - 




  - L -   

   - M -

 - N - O- 

   - P -

  - R -

   - S -

  - T - 

  - U - 

  - V - 

  - W -  

 - XYZ-   


                             Abbreviation Key and codes for published titles by EGW

                                  see Key Phrases and Key Texts        Promises in the writing of Ellen White  See List 

 Important Dates:    457 B.C.  -   AD 31   -   AD 34   -   AD 321   -   May, 19, 1780  -  1798  -  [ 1833 ]   -  1844   >  the year 1844  (16)   >  spring of 1844  ( 14 )   >  summer 1844   >   autumn 1844  ( 22 )

         Texts from Ellen White writings that are approved to appear in the Church Manual

          See texts arranged by Chapter in Church Manual (17th edition)    

          -  People Section  -  Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the names of people 

   EGW Quotes - A

                                                                -  A  -                                                                          

  Abhor  ( 164 )    +    abhorrent to God  ( 36 )

  Ability  (  )      +    Men of ability  ( 93 )    +   women of ability  (  )

  Abominations       +   all the abominations   ( 25 )    +    Sigh and cry for the abominations  (  )
                                +   Abomination in the sight of God  ( 31 )

  --  Accountable   ( separate page with 19 phrases related to Accountable )

 Accountability   +  accountability of . . .    +   accountability of a minister of Christ     individual accountability   +   Accountability and responsibility  ( 16 )

       --  Achan  ( person )   +  the sin of Achan  ( 13 )   ( Worse than Achan's Sin )   >   Achan's Sin  ( 8 )

  --   Act   |  Acts of . . .  |   Action    ( Separate page with 28 phrases )

  Advance   +    Advancement of Truth  (16 )   >   oppose the advancement of truth

  Advantage  (under construction)  see  disadvantage

  Advent   +   Advent movement  ( 125 )   +   Second Advent of Christ  ( 40 )   >  before the second advent  (11 )

  the Advent Message  ( 76 )  [old site]   +   pioneers of the Advent Message  (  )

  Adventists    +    nominal Adventists  ( 25 )

  Advocate  (  )  

  --  Affliction     ( separate page with 8 phrases related to Affliction )

  Against  (  )  +  against the truth  ( 354 )   >  war against the truth  (  )  +  fighting against God  (  )

  Agree      +   agree perfectly  ( 4 )   >   perfect agreement  ( 16 )   ( see disagreement )

  Aggressive  (  )   +   Aggressiveness  ( see Christian Service, p. 228 )

  Allegiance       +    Allegiance to God  ( 260 )   >   our allegiance to God  ( 17 )

  Ambassador     Ambassador of Christ  ( 30 )   >   Ambassador for Christ  ( 16 )  >  Christ's Ambassadors ( 64)

  --  Amusement (s)    ( separate page with 31 phrases related to Amusement )

  Ancient Israel     ( see separate page for Israel )    History of Ancient Israel  ( 14 )   +   and the warning for us ( 9 )

  Ancient times     +    In ancient times  ( 110 )

  --  Angels      ( separate page with 37 phrases related to  Angels )   +  Angels of God     +  Holy Angels   +  

  Anger          +   Angry with the Lord  ( 4 )    >    Angry with God  ( 1 )   +  the nations will be angry  ( 6 )

  Antichrist     +    Antichrist  ( 98 )    +     Spirit of Antichrist   (  )

  Anxiety        +    Great Anxiety  ( 77 )    >   greatest anxiety  ( 39 )

  Apart from . . .  ( 395 )   +   Apart from Christ  ( 68 )

  --  Apostasy     ( separate page with 10 phrases related to Apostasy  )

  Apostles       +     In apostolic days   ( 21 )

  Appeal  ( see new page for A )

+++  Applause  ( 212 )   +    Applause of Men  (  )    +     to gain applause  (  )

  Appointed time (  )   +   At the appointed time ( 69 )

                                    +   appointed way  (  )   >  God's appointed way  ( 55 )   +   appointed work  ( 483 )

  Approachable  (  )  +  unapproachable ( 78 )

  Approaching   +    Approaching doom  ( 11 )    >   impending doom  ( 26 )

--  Arbitrary      ( separate page with 13 phrases related to Arbitrary )

  Ark of the covenant  ( 62 )    >  the Ark of God  ( 174 )    >   without the Ark of God  (  )

 ++  Army of the Lord   ( 60 )    

  Arouse   ( see Awake )    +   Spirit of God is arousing  ( 7 )  

                    +  God will arouse His people  ( 6 )   +   He seeks to arouse men ( 17 )   +  arouse prejudice  ( 26 )

  Aside  ( 3,290 )   +   set aside  ( 556 )   >   is set aside  ( 64 )   >   not set aside  ( 18 )  +  stand aside  (  )   +  Lay aside  ( 408 )

  Asleep  (  )   +   many are asleep  ( 6 )

 ++  Assurance  ( 2,905 )   +  blessed assurance  (  )

  Atheist         +      Atheism  (  )

  Atmosphere     +    Create an atmosphere for . . .     +   Atmosphere of grace  (  )

  Atonement     +    Day of Atonement    +     Work of Atonement  ( 49 )    >   Atoning sacrifice

  Attention     +   Turn your attention to/from . . .  ( 18 )   +   give attention to   +   the whole attention

  Attitude  (  )   +  attitude toward others  ( 9 ) 

  Attributes  (  )   ++   attributes of God  ( 110 )   +   attributes of Satan  ( 95 ) 

  --  Authority      ( separate page with 26 phrases related to Authority )

   Awake    +   awake to . . .  ( 511 )  +   we must awake  ( 14 )   +   we must awake to duty  ( 4 ) 

                  +   awakening minds  (12)   +   awaken minds  (2)    God calls upon us to awake  ( 4 )


            -   B   -           Separate page for  - B -      ( new ' B ' page )          

       content of ' B '  is being transferred to the new B page

  Believers    +    Ambition of the believers  ( 11 )    +    Ambition of believeres  (  )

                           +    Upon all who believe  ( 12 )   password

  Benevolence     +    Systematic Benevolence  ( 131 )   +   Spirit of benevolence  ( 21 )

  --   (the)  Bible       ( separate page with 33 related phrases )


   --   Bless  /  Blessing      ( separate page with  25 related phrases )    also  Blessed Hope


          +   Blinded by Satan  (  )    +    Blinded by Satan's deceptions  (  )   +     Blinded by the enemy  (  )    

   Blindness      Great Blindness  ( 20 )    +   Spiritual blindness  (  )   +   self-imposed blindness  ( 3 )

   Boasting      +    boastful  ( 226 )     >    Boastful spirit   ( 7 )   

   Boldness  ( 330 )           (see courage )

   Book     +     Book of the Covenant  ( 14 )    +    Books of a new order  ( 4 )  (Favorite) 

                       +  Book of Nature  ( 178 )    +   Lesson Book  ( 223 )
                           Daniel and the Revelation
 (written by Uriah Smith)

   Books of  (the Bible)      Book of Revelation   ( 63 )   +   Book of Daniel  (36)

 --   Books of Heaven      ( separate page with  17 related phrases )    


   Bread     +   the Bread of Life  ( 884 )    >    hunger for the bread of life  (  )

   Break    +    soon to break upon the world  (  )   ( as overwhelming surprise ) 

   Brethren      +   "All ye are brethren"  ( 128 )   +    Lord it over their brethren  ( 3 )

        Brotherhood   ( 182 )   >    Brotherhood of man  ( 2 )

   Burden  ( 6,826 )    +   Burden of guilt  (  )  +  under the burden  (  )   +   place a burden (3),  places (4)

   Business     +   business matters  ( 131 )    +    business transaction  ( 95 )    +   worldly business


                 Continue to words and phrases starting with  C  and  D

Related Information

Spirit of Prophecy 1888 Chapter 102 - Uriah Smith Abbreviation Key to EGW publications Book - Acts of Apostles Book - Desire of Ages Book - Early Writings Book - Last Day Events Book - Patriarchs and Prophets Book-Christ Object Lessons (Contents) Celebrate Thanksgiving EGW Prays before GC Session in 1903 EGW Quotes-A EGW Quotes-Action EGW Quotes-B (new) EGW Quotes-Character EGW Quotes-Christ EGW Quotes-Eternal EGW Quotes-GOD EGW Quotes-Heaven EGW Quotes-Heavenly EGW Testimonies to the church (Vol. 1 to 9) Newly Released Manuscripts - 2015 No Respect of Persons (Gospel Workers, 330) People Section ( Quotes about people ) Pioneers of Advent Movement Prayer Meeting - Pastoral Ministry, Chap.32 Preparation for Time of Trouble RH 1884 - Importance of Education RH, Dec. 16, 1890 - Duty of Confession Selected Topics Selected Messages Signs of the Times Visions of Ellen White Abominations (all the abominations) Accountable - Accountability (separate page) Achan (Sin of Achan) Act - Acts - Action (Separate page) Advent Movement Affliction (Separate page) Agree perfectly Allegiance to God Amusement (Separate page) Angels (Separate page) Angry with God Antichrist Apostolic Days Appointed time Approaching Doom Arbitrary (Separate page) Ark of the Covenant Asleep (many are asleep) Atheism Atmosphere (Create atmosphere for...) Awake to . . . Awakening minds Backsliding Blind (2,101) Books of a new order Books of Heaven (Separate page) Dates EGW Quotes - D EGW quotes - E-F EGW Quotes - G-H-I EGW Quotes - I - J EGW Quotes - J-K-L EGW Quotes - R EGW Quotes - S-T EGW Quotes - U-V-W-X-Y-Z EGW Quotes - W EGW Quotes -P-Q-R EGW Quotes-B EGW Quotes-C-D EGW quotes-M-N-O EGW Quotes-N-O Men of ability (93) Nominal Adventists