Christ came to (portal page)

   Quotations from the writings of Ellen White with the phrase

         C H R I S T     c a m e     t o  .  .  .               

   The phrase  Christ came to  appears  837 times in the writings of EGW           See page on Original site                              

     +     Christ came to .  .  .   ( 837 )    ( Separate page with 34 phrases )
                         +   Jesus came to . . .  ( 237 )   
                                          Christ said,  I came to . . .   ( 13 )


       ++    Christ came to bring  ( 20 )   >  Christ came to bring salvation

       ++    Christ came to give  ( 24 )   +   He came to give  ( 33 )

                     +  He came to give ( 33 )  

       ++   Christ came to heal the sick  ( 7 )   >   He came to heal  ( 2 )

       ++   Christ came to magnify the law  ( 9 )

       ++   Christ came to restore  ( 11 )

       ++   Christ came to reveal  ( 30 )  >  Christ came to reveal the Father

       ++    Christ came to save  ( 31 )   >   Christ came to save sinners  (  )

      ++   Christ came to the world  ( 93 )   >   Christ came to the world to  (  )   

      ++   Christ came to this world  ( 103 )   >  Christ came to earth  ( 23 )

      ++    Christ came into the world  ( 51 ) 

       ++    Christ came to teach  ( 17 )

       ++     He came to  . . .  ( 1,339 )

                >   He came to give  ( 33 )

                >   He came to show  ( 37 )   >  He came to show us  (  )

                >   He came to this earth  ( 61 )  >  before He came to this earth  ( 5 ) 

       +      Christ came for  (  )

       +     Christ had come to  ( 34 )   [ see  Jesus had come to ( 33 ) ]

     ++    Christ would have come  ( 18 )


     +    Jesus came to . . .  ( 237 )   
                                          Christ said,  I came to . . .   ( 13 )

           +   Jesus came to the world ( 18 )


   Jesus had come to teach the meaning of the worship of God, and He could not sanction the mingling of human requirements with the divine precepts. He did not attack the precepts or practices of the learned teachers; but when reproved for His own simple habits, He presented the word of God in justification of His conduct. { DA 84.2}   Read entire Chapter 9


     +   The Son of Man came to  (  )    >   The Son of Man came not to  (  )


     Our  Favorites

  The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister." Matthew 20:28. Christ’s work below is His work above, and our reward for working with Him in this world will be the greater power and wider privilege of working with Him in the world to come. { Ed 308.1} 

  “Ye are My witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God.” Isaiah 43:12.  This also we shall be in eternity. { Education, 308.2 }  also { LDE 299.1 }


   Christ came to change this order of things. He sought to break the spell by which men were infatuated and ensnared. In His teaching He sought to adjust the claims of heaven and earth, to turn men’s thoughts from the present to the future. From their pursuit of the things of time, He called them to make provision for eternity. { COL 366.2}  Read entire Chapter 26




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