Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
c h r i s t l i k e D I S P O S I T I O N ( 2 RELATED PHRASES ) |
The phrase 'Christlike disposition" appears 7 times in the published writings of EGW page NOT on Original site Related Phrase: Christlike manner ( 34 ) - - un-Christlike disposition ( 4 ) [ below ] - - temperment ( ) - - likeness to Christ ( ) - - Christ-like sympathy ( )
God gave Daniel and his companions “knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams” ( Daniel 1:17) .... Babylon was at this time the greatest kingdom in the world. God permitted Daniel and his companions to be taken captive that they might take to the king and nobles of Babylon the knowledge of Him, the only true God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. God brought Daniel into favor with the prince of the eunuchs because he behaved himself. He kept before him the fear of the Lord. His companions never saw in his life anything that would lead them astray. Those who had charge over him loved him, because he carried with him the fragrance of a Christlike disposition .... { UL 47.2} |
Christlike manner |
Jesus loves those who represent the Father, and John could talk of the Father’s love as no other of the disciples could. He revealed to his fellow men that which he felt in his own soul, representing in his character the attributes of God. The glory of the Lord was expressed in his face. The beauty of holiness which had transformed him shone with a Christlike radiance from his countenance. In adoration and love he beheld the Saviour until likeness to Christ and fellowship with Him became his one desire, and in his character was reflected the character of his Master. { AA 545.2}
u n - c h r i s t l i k e D I S P O S I T I O N |
Related Phrase: unlikeness to Christ ( 40 )
Ask ourselves this question: |
How terrible it will be in the last great day to find that those with whom we have been familiarly associated are separated from us forever; to see the members of our families, perhaps our own children, unsaved; to find those who have visited our homes, and eaten at our tables, among the lost. Then we shall ask ourselves the question, Was it because of my impatience, my un-Christlike disposition; was it because self was not under control, that the religion of Christ became distasteful to them? { ChS 91.3} |
same quote in different format
How terrible it will be in the last great day to find that those whom we have been familiarly associated are separated from us forever; to see the members of our families, perhaps our own children, unsaved; to find those who have visited our homes, and eaten at our tables, among the lost. Then we shall ask ourselves the question, Was it because of my impatience, my un-Christlike disposition; was it because self was not under control, that the religion of Christ became distasteful to them? { Christian Service, page 91 par. 3 } |
The Lord is coming. The earth’s history is soon to close. Are you prepared to meet the Judge of the earth? Bear in mind that “he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy” ( James 2:13). How terrible it will be in the last great day to find that those with whom we have been familiarly associated are separated from us forever; to see the members of our family, perhaps our own children, unsaved; to find those who have visited our homes, and eaten at our tables, among the lost. Then we shall ask ourselves the question, Was it because of my impatience, my un-Christlike disposition; was it because self was not under control, that the religion of Christ became distasteful to them? { YRP 189.2} |
The Lord is coming. This earth’s history is soon to close. Are you prepared to meet the Judge of all the earth? Bear in mind that “he shall have judgment without mercy that hath showed no mercy.” How terrible it will be in the last great day to find that those with whom we have been familiarly associated are separated from us forever; to see the members of our family, perhaps our own children, unsaved; to find those who have visited our homes, and eaten at our tables, among the lost! Then we shall ask ourselves the question, Was it because of my impatience, my un-Christlike disposition; was it because self was not under control, that the religion of Christ became distasteful to them? { BEcho March 1, 1897, par. 6 } |
unChristlike manner |
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