Book - Acts of Apostles

                                                                  Written by Ellen G. White, published in 1911

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    Table of Contents                       ( see this page on Original website )
Introduction to Acts of the Apostles      - to page 8
*** Chapter  1:  God's Purpose for His Church    Page   9  to  16 
*** Chapter  2:  The Training of the Twelve Page  17  to  24
*** Chapter  3:  The Great Commission Page  24  to  34
*** Chapter  4:   Pentecost       ( Based on Acts    ) Page  35  to  46
*** Chapter  5:  The Gift of the Spirit Page  47  to  56
Chapter  6:   At the Temple Gate Page  57  to  69 
Chapter  7:   A Warning Against Hypocrisy Page  70 to  76
Chapter  8:   Before the Sanhedrin Page 77  to  86
Chapter  9:   The Seven Deacons Page 87  to  96
Chapter 10:   First Christian Martyr Page 97 to 102
Chapter 11:   The Gospel in Samaria Page 103 to
Chapter 12:  
Chapter 13:  
Chapter 14:    


Chapter 15:       Page 
Chapter 16:  
Chapter 17:                   under Construction  
Chapter 18:     
*** Chapter 19:   Jew and Gentile  (Based on Acts 15: 1 - 35)   - Page 188 to 200


Chapter 20:    Exalting the Cross   (Based on Acts 16: 36-41; 16: 1-6) Page 
                   under Construction  


Chapter 25:       Page 
                   under Construction  


Chapter 35:      Page 
                   under Construction  


Chapter 45:       Page 
                   under Construction        


Chapter 55:   Transformed by Grace         Page 557 to 
                   under Construction  

                      Return to Spirit of Prophecy page

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