Christ's (Separate section)

                       C H R I S T ' s              (  38  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

           The  word Christ   appears  69,224 times in the published writings of EGW           

           The word  Christ's  appears  xxx  times in the published writings of EGW           

           The word  Christs  appears  54  times     

           The word  Jesus   appears  37,038 times in the writings of EGW    -  Go to Jesus    
               Other  names  for  Christ   ( Separate page with 10 names and  8 related phrases )

       Book:    Christ's Object Lessons   by Ellen G. White

       Chapters:     Chapter 2 - Signs of Christ's Return  in Last Day Events


        +     Christ's ambassadors  ( 64 )

        +     Christ's  appointed means  (  )     Old site:  Christ's Appointed means . . . appointed way ( 5 )

        +     Christ's  ascension  (  )

        +     Christ's  character  (  )

        +     Christ's  command  (  )

        +     Christ's  custom  (  )   -- old site:  His custom [Christ's] ( ) According to His custom ( )

        +     Christ's  earthly ministry  (  )

        +     Christ's  followers  (  )     >   Followers of Christ  (  )

        +     Christ's  instruction  (  )      Old site:    Christ's instruction ( 17   --  Instruction which Christ . . . ( 5 )

        +     Christ's  kingdom  (  )

        +     Christ's  life  (  )

        +     Christ's  message  (  )

        +     Christ's method  ( 32 )    >    Christ's methods  ( 72 )   Old site:   Christ's Methods ( 72

        +     Christ's  mind  (  )    >   mind of Christ  ( 300 )      Old site:  Christ's Mind (

        +     Christ's  ministers  (  )

        +     Christ's  miracles  (  )   >    Christ's crowning miracle  (  )

        +     Christ's  mission  (  )

        +     Christ's  name  (  )   >   in Christ's name  ( 92 )            Old site:  In Christ's Name ( 92 )

        +    Christ's plan (  )   >   Christ's plan of life  ( see favorites below )  

        +    Christ's power  (  )    >   power of Christ  (  )

        +     Christ's  promises  (  )

        +     CHrist's  purpose  (  )        Old site:   Christ's Purpose ( 16 )

        +     Christ's  representative  (  )   >     Christ's  representatives  (  )

        +     Christ’s  resurrection  (  )

        +     Christ's  Return  (  )   +   Christ's  second coming  (  )

        +     Christ's  righteousness  (  )     Old site:   Christ's Righteousness ( 612 )  --   Merits of Christ's Righteousness ( 11 )

        +     Christ's  rule  ( 24 )     Old site:  Christ's Rule ( 24 ) . Christ's Rule of Life

        +     Christ's  sacrifice  (  )

        +     Christ's  sake  (  )

        +     Christ's  stead  (  )    >   in Christ's stead  ( 108 )    >    act in Christ's stead  (  )   old site:  In Christ's Stead ( 108 )

        +     Christ's  witnesses  (  )

        +     Christ's  words  (  )​​​​​​

                 C H R I S T s              (  appears  54  times )                      


         +   False Christs   (  )

  It is necessary that something should be done to guard the interests of those who believe the truth for this time. Christ has given many warnings to the effect that false doctrines, false prophets, and false Christs would arise and deceive many. From the light that God has been pleased to give me, His humble servant, I know that these prophecies have been fulfilling, and testimonies have not been few that have been given to meet these things as they have come up all along through our religious experience. Great delusions will arise, and even “of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.” Even Satan will disguise himself, and appear as Christ. { CW 152.1} 

     F a v o r i t e s  

   And the means used to bless others will bring returns. Riches rightly employed will accomplish great good. Souls will be won to Christ. He who follows Christ’s plan of life will see in the courts of God those for whom he has labored and sacrificed on earth. Gratefully will the ransomed ones remember those who have been instrumental in their salvation. Precious will heaven be to those who have been faithful in the work of saving souls. { COL 373.2 }  Read entire Chapter 26



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Related Information

Christ (Separate page) Connection with Christ Death of Christ Fall on the Rock Love of Christ (1,785) Suffer for Christ