Book - Last Day Events


     l a s t     d a y    e v e n t s                       

          compilation  of  the  writings  of

             ELLEN  G.  WHITE



    Ellen White wrote, "Great pains should be taken to keep this subject before the people" (FE 336). We have prepared this book to do this. Many of the citations in this book have been drawn from previously published Ellen White sources, but a fair percentage of the materials have never been published.  While we have not included all of Ellen White's statements on earth's closing events, we have endeavored to include the most significant ones.         Trustees of  EGW Estate               ( First printing in 1992 )

                              TABLE   OF   CONTENTS

Chapter  1:    Earth's Last Crisis                    page 11 to 17    Audio File
Chapter  2:    Signs of Christ's Soon Return page 18 to 31    Audio File
Chapter  3:   "When Shall These Things Be?" page 32 to 42    Audio File
Chapter  4:    God's Last Day Church page 43 to 62    Audio File
Chapter  5:    Devotional Life of the Remnant page 63 to 74    Audio File
Chapter  6:    Lifestyle and Activities of the Remnant       page 75 to 93     Audio File
Chapter  7:    Country Living page 94 to 108    Audio File
Chapter  8:   The Cities page 109 to 122    Audio File
Chapter  9:   Sunday Laws page 123 to 142    Audio File
Chapter 10:  The Little Time of Trouble - page 143 to 154    Audio File
     Study Guide
Chapter 11:   Satan's Last Day Deceptions - page 155 to 171    Audio File
     Study Guide
Chapter 12:   The Shaking - page 172 to 182  
Chapter 13:   The Latter Rain - page 183 to 196  
Chapter 14:   The Loud Cry - page 197 to 214  
Chapter 15:   Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast - page 215 to 226  
Chapter 16:   The Close of Probation - page 227 to 237  
Chapter 17:   Seven Last Plagues and the Wicked - page 238 to 252  
Chapter 18:   Seven Last Plagues and the Righteous - page 253 to 270  
Chapter 19:   Christ's  Return - page 271 to 282  
Chapter 20:   Inheritance of the Saints - page 283 to 306  

                                               Scripture  Index               - -   page  307

                                               General  Index                 - -   page  313

                           Return to  Spirit of Prophecy  section

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