EGW Testimonies to the church (Vol. 1 to 9)

         T E s t i m o n i e s    t o    t h e    c h u r c h        ( Volumes  one  to  nine )                   

                                                                                                                                                           Page on Original website

 . . . The Spirit of the Lord will be in the instruction, and doubts existing in many minds will be swept away. The testimonies themselves will be the key that will explain the messages given, as scripture is explained by scripture. Many will read with eagerness the messages reproving wrong, that they may learn what they may do to be saved. . . . Light will dawn upon the understanding, and the Spirit will make an impression on minds, as Bible truth is clearly and simply presented in the messages that since 1846 God has been sending His people. These messages are to find their place in hearts, and transformations will take place.-- Letter 73, 1903.  {1SM 42.2}     



                                  Testimonies,  Volume 1      [ Audio ]


 **  The Shaking       Chapter 32, page 179 to 184
 **  Laodicean Church       Chapter 33, pages 185 to 195
    Slackness Reproved            Testimonies, Vol 1, page 210 - 214                            


                                    Testimonies,  Volume  2     [ Audio ]


                                    Testimonies,  Volume  3       [ Audio ]
 Duty to Reprove Sin Testimonies, Volume 3, page 265 - 270              
        Approved for Church Manual - Discipline Test, Vol 3, 269.2 to 271.1
The Great Rebellion Testimonies, Vol. 3, page 339
The Laodicean Church Testimonies, Vol. 3, page 352 - 
Authority of the Church Testimonies, Vol 3, page 428 - 430
The State of the Church  ( Chapter 40 ) Testemonies, Vol. 3, page 474


                                  Testimonies,  Volume  4        [ Audio ]
 Unity of the Church  -  Chapter 2            Testimonies, Volume 4, page 17 - 20               
The Testing Process  -  Testimonies, Volume 4, page 82 - 93
                                  Testimonies,  Volume  5       [ Audio ]
Chapter 24:   The Seal of God - Testimonies, Vol. 5, page 208 - 215                 
Chapter 26:   Christian Unity -  Testimonies, Vol. 5, page 236 - 248
Chapter 30:  Deceitfulness of Sin Testimonies, Vol. 5, page 290 - 297
Chapter 31:  Criticising Ministers Testimonies, Vol 5, page 298 -
Chapter 51: ++  The Coming Crisis Testimonies,Vol. 5, page 450 - 454
Christian Influence in the Home and the Church       Test, Vol. 5, page 568 - 571
Chapter 75: ++  Treatment of the Erring Testimonies, Vol. 5, page 615 - 618
Chapter 81: ++  How to Receive Reproof  - Testimonies, Vol. 5, page 682 - 691
Chapter 82:   
Chapter 85: ++  Impending Conflict Testimonies, Vol. 5, page 711 - 718
                                  Testimonies,  Volume  6        [ Audio ]
++  Observance of the Sabbath    Testimonies, Volume 6, page 349 - 368
++  Our Attitude Toward Civil Authorities                   Testimonies, Volume 6, page 394 - 395               
Section 7:  Calls to Service
A Warning from the Church of Ephesus Testimonies, Volume 6, page 421 - 424
The Result of Inaction  - Testimonies, Volume 6, page 424 - 426


                              Testimonies,  Volume  7       [ Audio ]
The Work in Greater New York         Volume 7, page 38 - 39                  
Married Life Volume 7, page 45 - 47

**  Church Discipline

 Much is in Church Manual ( Chap 7 )

Volume 7, page 260 - 263

Old site:   Church Discipline 


                              Testimonies,  Volume  8       [ Audio ]
What is Our Work?  -        Testimonies, Volume 8, page 10 - 12       


                              Testimonies,  Volume  9        [ Audio ]
+++  The Last Crisis  -                     Testimonies, Volume 9, page 11 - 15               
To GC Session - May 30, 1909 Testimonies, Volume 9, page 257 - 261
To GC Session - May 31, 1909 Testimonies, Volume 9, page 153 - 154
To GC Session, read June 1, 1909    Testimonies, Volume 9, page 167 
+++  Sunday Labor Testimonies, Volume 9, page 232 to 238
General Conference sessions Testimonies. Volume 9, page 260
Go Forward     -   Testimonies, Volume 9, page 271 - 273


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