Spirit of Prophecy



                           Spirit  of  Prophecy  Section                                        

   Ellen G. White  (Born: Nov. 1827 - died July 1915)      Video:  Meet Ellen White  ( 88 min.)
             List of Books         Abbreviation Key and codes for Writings of EGW

              Bibliography of Ellen G. White Titles  (search over 600 titles)  - -  Study Guides for 21 books

        Recommended reading:

        Conflict of Ages Series       ►               


      Great Controversy ( 1911 )   

          Patriarchs & Prophets,                                  
              Desire of Ages,  

                 Prophets and Kings,   

                 Acts of the Apostles              


 Over 65,000 paragraphs  Selected Quotations  from  the  writings  of  Ellen White

            From a List  of over  7,000  interesting  words  and  phrases  and  people

      -   Gems of Truth  -    -   Key Texts, Phrases, Topics  -  Our Favorite quotes
      -   Chapters that Inspire   ( new section started July 2016 )
      -   Questions asked and then answered by Ellen G. White  

      -  People Section  -  Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the names of people 

                More  EGW  books  on  the  Internet

                     Sharing Christ with the book    -  -  -  -    Steps to Christ

                     Compilation of early messages   -  -  -    Early Writings  *

                     Understanding what Jesus taught  -  -   Christ's Object Lessons  *

                     Understanding Sanctification   -  -  -  -   The Sanctified Life

                     Knowing Jesus                          -  -  -  -    That I May Know Him

                     Last Day Events (Compilation)  -  -  -  -   Table of Contents  *

                                   Chapter 1:  Earth's Last Crisis     Study phrase in SOP:   Last Day Events

                     Learning                                     -  -  -  -    Education           ( Study of Chapter 35 )

                     Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing  - - -  Chapter 5 - Lord's Prayer  |  Chapter 6 - Judging 

                     Book published Oct. 2016  -  -  -  -   Understanding Ellen White


   Announcement by White Estate.  "On Thursday, July 16, 2015, the centennial of Ellen White’s death, making available for free on the White Estate website all of Ellen White’s letters and manuscripts."

            And much more. See List: http://whiteestate.org/estate/2015plans.asp  --  --  Here is the newly published material  https://egwwritings.org/​

       Preparation for the Time of Trouble  ( quotes that will help us to get ready )  Satan's Plan revealed


     The topics below have been suggested for Favorite Topics. Send in your favorite.
          Love of the Truth - Great Controversy, page 625, 626
          The Need for Love in the Church   1888 Manuscripts, page 1018 to 1031

               Visions  described in the Writings of Ellen White with background and comments                 

                   Dreams  described in the writings of Ellen White


                 Writings  of  Ellen G. White  (1827 to 1915)

    Promises in the inspired writing of Ellen White   See List

    Glossary of Obsolete words and terms in the writing of EGW   See Glossary  

     Writings of EGW that appear in the Church Manual


                      Pioneers  of  the  Advent  Movement  and  early Adventist Church                   

                     New    Pioneers of the Advent Movement  /  Pioneers of the Church  |  Pioneers of Advent Message 
                                                    Fred Bischoff's Videos on 28 Pioneers 

                                                    Adventist Pioneer Library  (audio)  -  29 pioneers

              1888 Materials:  ( 1500 pages )   Chapter 102 - Uriah Smith  ( page 790 - 801 )

     Ellen G. White Estate Website  -  -  Hear Audio Books  www.EllenWhiteAudio.net

     - - Answering EGW critics and anti Ellen White websites

     - -  Digital Resource Center at White Estate   http://DRC.WhiteEstate.org

      - -  30,000 pages released in July 16, 2016         On this site:   Manuscript 1, 1905

      Gift of Light mini-series   (guidance for practical Christian living)

                          s e l e c t e d     t o p i c s                            

                       Description                                     Book or publication                     pages

  **  What Shall We Play     -   -    -    -    -    -   -   Adventist Home,    page 498 - 506

  **  Dictatorship and Dominion   -    -    -    -      Christian Leadership,    page 31

  **  Testimonies for the Church   -  -  -   -   -      Counsels for the Church - Chapter 14  ( page 91 - 97 )

  **  Business Principles and Methods   -  -  -  -   Education, Chapter 15

  **  Promptness in the Work of God   -  -  -    Gospel Workers  (1892 Edition), page 96, 97 

  **  No Respect of Persons with God  -  -  -    Gospel Workers, pages 330 to 336

  **  Treatment of the Erring   -   -   -   -   -   -     MR  #1159  in 15MR, page 172 - 199 

  **  How to Celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas  -  MR #1546   21MR, page 222

  **  A True Knowledge of God      -   -    -         Ministry of Healing, Chapter 35

  **  Help in Daily Living    -   -   -   -   -   -         Ministry of Healing, Chapter 40  ( 469 - 482 )

  **  Prayer Meeting    -    -    -    -    -    -           Pastoral Ministry, page 183 - 185  

  To do next  --  Former Members, Inactive Members -   Pastorial Ministry, Chapter 38   {PaM 219.1 to 221.2}

   The Duty of Confession  -   -   -   -   -      Review & Herald, Dec. 16, 1890 

  **   A Living Church       -    -    -    -    -         Testimonies to Ministers, page 45

   **  Abuse of power by church leaders   -  Testimonies to Ministers, page 361

   **  Snares of Satan           -    -    -    -          Testimonies to Ministers, page 472 - 475

  **  Right or Wrong Side  -  Which ?    -    -    Upward Look,  Chapter 126, page 140

      **  Our Sanctuary Doctrine              -    -    Upward Look,  Chapter 185, page 199

  **  Satan's Last Deception                   -    -   Letters & Manuscripts, Vol. 4:  Ms 16, 1884

  **  Letter to Brother and Sister Starr      -  -  Letter 103 written in 1903


         Separate page  with  25  more  topics



       Former Members, Inactive Members -   Pastorial Ministry, Chapt 38   {PaM 219.1 to 221.2}

       Responding to New Light    -    -    -    -  Manuscript 8, 1890  ( MR 900 )

       Discipline of Church Members  -    -     MR # 720

       Circulation of the Great Controversy  --  MS - 31 - 1890

       Some EGW statements about Women's Ordination  -  Daughters of God, Appendix C 

       Counsels on Health,  Section V  -   -   -    Sanitariums -- CH 203 - 215 


                                         Testimonies  to  the  Church       ( Volumes 1 - 9 )                                                        

                                      ( Separate page with 17 messages on various topics )


               S E L E C T E D     m e s s a g e s       ( 3 volumes )                      

      List of messages  ( page under construction )

      Selected Messages, Book 1,   Chapter 25, page 201-207    Foundation of Our Faith - 

      Selected Messages, Book 1,   ​Firm Foundation of our Faith -  page 207, 208

     + Selected Messages, Book 1,  United with the Living Vine - page 337

     + Selected Messages, Book 1, Relation of Faith and Works - p. 377 - 379

     + Selected Messages, Book 2,  Holy Flesh Doctrine  -  page 31 to 39

     + Selected Messages, Book 2,  Miracles, Not a test of God's Favor - page 48 to 55

      Selected Messages, Book 2, page 379  -  Putting Away Sin 

    +   Selected Messages, Book 3, page 380 - 387, Lessons from Sunday Law Crisis in 1880's


             p e r i o d i c a l     p u b l i c a t i o n s                         

                      Writings  of  Ellen G. White  (1827 to 1915)

                       Signs  of  the  Times

         +  The Sin of Achan  - -  Signs of the Times,  April  21, 1881  

            +   Sons of Samuel  - -  Signs of the Times,  February 2, 1882

            +   Address to the Workers  - -  Signs of the Times, Oct. 15, 1885

            +   The  Beatitudes   ( 4 part series )  - -  Signs of the Times,  May 9, 1892

         +  United with the Living Vine - - Signs of the Times, Dec. 26, 1892

            +   Christian's Faith Not to be Prescribed by Men  --  ST, Aug. 27, 1894

            +  Our Country -- Its Dangers  ( United States )  - -  Sign of the Times,  July 4, 1899                       

            Hearing and Doing - - Signs of the Times, Sept. 24, 1896
            The Joy of Giving   - -  Signs of the Times, Jan. 22, 1902
            Let this Mind be in You - - Signs of the Times, Sept. 2, 1902
           To God be the Glory -  Manuscript Release, Volume 18,  Number 1319
           The Victorious Life  (her last published work) - Test. to Ministers, page 516                       


                      Articles   published   in   Review  and  Herald   

                 +    Workers  for  God   -  -    RH, June 20, 1882  

                 +    Christmas and New Years  -  RH, January 29, 1884                           

                 +    Importance of Education  -  RH, August 19, 1884                

                 +    Criticizing  Ministers  -  RH, April 7, 1885

                 +    A Cross in Accepting the Truth  -  RH, May 26, 1885

                 +    An Address to the Workers  --   RH, Nov. 10, 1885

                 +    Laborers Together With God   —    August 24, 1886

                 +   The Church's Greatest Need  -  RH, March 22, 1887

                   Faith that will Stand the Test  -  RH, Jan. 10, 1888  

                 +   The Approaching Crisis  -  RH, Dec. 11, 1888  

                +    David's Prayer  -  RH, Dec. 18, 1888  

                +    How to meet controverted points - -  RH, Feb. 18, 1890 

                +   "Go and Tell Him His Fault Between Thee & Him Alone" ( Matt. 19 ) - RH, July 22, 1890    

                +   The Duty of Confession  -  Review & Herald, Dec. 16, 1890

                +   The Science of Salvation  -  RH, Dec. 1, 1891

                +   Pray for the Latter Rain  -   RH, Mar. 2, 1897

                +   Solemn Message to the Church --  RH, Nov. 8, 1906  




       Our Need for the Holy Spirit  -  RH, Jan. 3, 1907

       Order in the Church     -    RH, Feb. 16, 1911

       The  Youth's  Instructor  Periodical

       YI-June 1897 - Go Preach the Gospel

    Newly released Manuscripts  -  July 2015 -

   Article about publication of EGW personal letters - - Adventist World, July 2014 issue     Documents released in July 2015    
     -   The New Commandment   -  Ms 17, 1899
     -   Manuscript 1, 1905
     -   Thoughts on Revelation 22  -  Ms 188 - 1907

     Messages to the General Conference Sessions
--  EGW gives prayer to delegates at GC Session - April 1, 1903 -- from General Conference Bulletin
Message to GC Session, read May 30, 1909  - - Testimonies, Vol. 9, page 257
Message to GC Session, read May 31, 1909  - - Testimonies, Vol. 9, page 153 
Message to GC Session, read June 1, 1909  - -  Testimonies, Vol. 9, page 167 
Message to GC Session - in 1913   - -  Testimonies to Ministers, page 513


      Videos:      Tell the World    - -   3 hours 33 min.  Dramatization



Related Information

1888 Chapter 102 - Uriah Smith Abbreviation Key to EGW publications Book - Acts of Apostles Book - Desire of Ages Book - Early Writings Book - Last Day Events Book - Patriarchs and Prophets Book-Christ Object Lessons (Contents) Celebrate Thanksgiving EGW Prays before GC Session in 1903 EGW Quotes-A EGW Quotes-Action EGW Quotes-B (new) EGW Quotes-Character EGW Quotes-Christ EGW Quotes-Eternal EGW Quotes-GOD EGW Quotes-Heaven EGW Quotes-Heavenly EGW Testimonies to the church (Vol. 1 to 9) Newly Released Manuscripts - 2015 No Respect of Persons (Gospel Workers, 330) People Section ( Quotes about people ) Pioneers of Advent Movement Prayer Meeting - Pastoral Ministry, Chap.32 Preparation for Time of Trouble RH 1884 - Importance of Education RH, Dec. 16, 1890 - Duty of Confession Selected EGW Quotations ( 7,000 phrases ) Selected Topics Selected Messages Signs of the Times Visions of Ellen White