EGW Quotes-Heaven

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

               H E A V E N             (  82  RELATED   PHRASES  )                                  

         The  word  Heaven  appears  25,647  times in the writings of Ellen G. White       See page on original site                       See previous Heaven page             

    The word  Heavenly  appears   13,183  times in the writings of EGW  ( see section below )

           ++    All heaven  ( 1,202 )     ►   All heaven is interested   ( 85 )

  All heaven took a deep and joyful interest in the creation of the world and of man. Human beings were a new and distinct order. They were made “in the image of God,” and it was the Creator’s design that they should populate the earth. They were to live in close communion with heaven, receiving power from the Source of all power. Upheld by God, they were to live sinless lives. { SD 7.2} 

                    +++    All heaven is interested in the interview    
                       ►     All heaven would be marred  ( 3 )

          +     Enter Heaven   (  166  )  

                  >   cannot enter heaven  ( 9 )   >  cannot enter heaven with (3)

          +     fitted for heaven  ( 40 )     >   must be fitted for heaven  (  )

                     ►   ++   fitness for heaven  ( 31 )   >>  moral fitness for heaven  ( 7 )

           +     Lose heaven  (  )     >    To Lose Heaven   (  )

           +    Heaven is . . .     ( see below )

           +    Heaven would be . . .   (  56 )     ►    Heaven would be marred  ( 7 )
                                             >    Heaven would be broken
                                             >    Heaven would be Purgatory
                                             >    Heaven would be no heaven

          .  .  .   IN  HEAVEN

           +     as it is done in heaven  ( 48 )     

         ++    family in heaven  ( 145 )   +  whole family in heaven  (  )

           +     God's government in Heaven  ( 19 )    >   Foundation of His government in Heaven

           +     grief in heaven  ( 12 )  >

           +     Order in Heaven  ( 18 )    >    There is order in heaven  

               Place in Heaven   ( 50 )     >   take(s) place in heaven  (  )
                      ►   No place in heaven  ( 10 )     >    there will be no place in heaven 

      ++     Ratified in Heaven  ( 14 )   +++   Heaven will ratify  ( 5 )    >>>    Heaven cannot ratify  ( 3 )   

              Record in Heaven  ( 47 )   >   clean record in heaven  (  )

      ++    registered in Heaven  ( 46 )  >  registered in the books of heaven

           +    Temple in Heaven   (  )       ( see Sanctuary in Heaven )

              Treasure in heaven    ( 278 )    ►  treasure of heaven  ( under construction )
                            ►   Lay up treasure in heaven  (  )  >    Laying up treasure in heaven

          +     Written in heaven  (  )   >  


               .  .  .   OF   HEAVEN

           +     atmosphere of Heaven  (  )

           +     Clouds of Heaven  (  )

           +      Courts of heaven   ( 305 )     >    the Heavenly Courts  ( 866 )

           +      family of heaven  (  )    see favorites

                God of heaven   ( 949 )      - - see separate page with 6 related phrases - -

           +      judgment of heaven  ( 7 )    >   judgments of heaven  ( 25 )

                in the sight of heaven   (  )    >    in the sight of God  (  )

                Inhabitants of Heaven   (  )    >

                Kingdom of heaven  ( 1,218 )     ►  inherit the kingdom of heaven  ( 10 )
                    ( see Heavenly Kingdom )                      ►   Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven  ( 207 )
                                                                         >   Entrance into the heavenly kingdom ( 4 )

               Law of Heaven    ( 92 )    >  obeying the law of heaven  (  )
                                                            >   Order is the law of heaven  ( 5 )

                Message of Heaven   ( 52 )     >    declare the message of heaven  (  )
                                                                     >    messages of heaven  ( 8 )

                Oracles of heaven   (  )

           +      Peace of Heaven  ( 67 )    >   Sweet peace of Heaven  ( 4 )   >   partaker in the peace of heaven  (  )

           ++     Principles of Heaven  ( 174 )  >  [ old site >  Principles of Heaven   ( 174 ) ]

         +++     Records of Heaven  ( 18 )   >>>   in the records of Heaven  ( 7 )

                      from the records in heaven  ( 5 )   >>>   in the records in heaven   ( 6 )

           +     Truth of heaven  (  )   ►  truths of heaven   (  )

         ++     will of heaven  ( 17 )    >   do the will of heaven  (  )

           .  .  .  FROM  HEAVEN

           +      Message from Heaven  ( 84 )     >   Proclaim the message from Heaven  
                                    ( see  message of Heaven )  above
                   >  Messenger from Heaven  ( 25 )   >   heavenly messenger  (  )

           +      rejecting light from heaven    ( 4 )  


                                      H E A V E N ' S

           +       Heaven's appointed agency    (  )    >   Heaven's appointed channel

           +      Heaven's Plan  ( 8 )   >   Heaven's plan of Government  is His church on earth
                                                      >   Heaven's Plan of salvation  ( 3 )

             H E A V E N l y                                                          

       +       Heavenly  Canaan     ( 73 )      ►   borders of heavenly Canaan   (  )

                                  ►   entrance into the Heavenly Canaan    - Key  

           +      Heavenly Courts  ( 866 )     >   Entrance into the Heavenly Courts

         ++      Heavenly Eye Salve ( 26 )     >     Anointed with the heavenly Eye Salve  (  )

           +      Heavenly Father  ( 1,823 )    >    Our Heavenly Father  (  )

                Heavenly Gift  ( 104 )      ►    Heavenly Gifts  ( 23 )

           +      Heavenly home  ( 120 )   >   Our Heavenly home  (  )   >   His Heavenly home  (  )

                Heavenly influence  ( 61 )    >     Heavenly influence of the truth  ( 5 )

           +      Heavenly Kingdom  (  )     >     Entrance into the Heavenly Kingdom  ( 4 )

     ++  Heavenly mansions  ( 93 )   >>  glorious mansions  ( 7 )

           +      Heavenly messenger  (  )   >

           +      Heavenly Sanctuary    ( 318 )    LINKS to Series of Videos about the Sanctuary

                                    ►   in the heavenly sanctuary  (  )

         ++   Heavenly school  ( 23 )     [ see  The School of the Hereafter ]

           +      Heavenly temple   ( 31 )

                Heavenly things   ( 661 )    >    discern heavenly things  (  )

         +++      Heavenly Treasure   ( 250 )    See also Treasure in Heaven  (above)

           +      Heavenly vision   ( 23 )       >     see with heavenly vision


     Title of article or chapter:   Vision of  Heavenly sancturary  ( April 1847 )

  Title of article or chapter:   Vision of  Heavenly sanctuary  ( April 1847 )

The correct understanding of the ministration in the heavenly sanctuary is the foundation of our faith.  -  Letter 208, 1906   Evangelism, page 221.2  


      Heaven is . . .
   "Heaven is worth a life-long, persevering, untiring effort. If you lose heaven you lose everything. If you gain heaven you win everything. You have capabilities, you have intellect. Will you improve these for the glory of God? What more could the Lord do to save the sinner than He has done? Everything has been done to bring salvation within the reach of perishing souls.  {20MR 56.2}
  When Christians appear as gloomy and depressed as though they thought themselves friendless, they give a wrong impression of religion. In some cases the idea has been entertained that cheerfulness is inconsistent with the dignity of the Christian character, but this is a mistake.  Heaven is all joy; and if we gather to our souls the joys of heaven and, as far as possible, express them in our words and deportment, we shall be more pleasing to our heavenly Father than if we were gloomy and sad.  {AH 430.2}
  Dear brother, the influence under which your character has been formed has given you a haughty, overbearing spirit. This spirit you act out in your family and among your neighbors and all with whom you associate. In order to overcome these wrong habits, you must watch unto prayer. You should now be thoroughly in earnest, for you have little time in which to work. Do not feel that you are sufficient in your own strength. Only in the name of the mighty Conqueror can you gain the victory. In conversation with others dwell upon the mercy, goodness, and love of God instead of upon His strict judgment and justice. Cling fast to His promises. You can do nothing in your own strength, but in the strength of Jesus you can do all things. If you are in Christ, and Christ is in you, you will be transformed, renewed, and sanctified. "If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." Be sure that Christ is in you, that your heart is broken and submissive and humble. God will accept only the humble and contrite. Heaven is worth a lifelong, persevering effort; yes, it is worth everything. God will help you in your efforts if you strive only in Him. There is a work to be done in your family which God will help you to perform if you take hold of it aright. I entreat of you to set your own heart in order and then seek patiently to work for the salvation of your family, that the angels of God may come into your house and abide with you. - {4T 259.2}


       My  personal  favorites

  If you lose heaven, you lose everything; if you gain heaven, you gain everything. Do not make a mistake in this matter, I implore you. Eternal interests are here involved.  Testimonies, Vol. 2, page 88.2   {Maranatha, page 13.4}


The History to Be Repeated --   Near the close of this earth's history Satan will work with all his powers in the same manner and with the same temptations wherewith he tempted ancient Israel just before their entering the Land of Promise. He will lay snares for those who claim to keep the commandments of God, and who are almost on the borders of the heavenly Canaan. He will use his powers to their utmost in order to entrap souls and to take God's professed people upon their weakest points. Those who have not brought the lower passions into subjection to the higher powers of their being, those who have allowed their minds to flow in a channel of carnal indulgence of the baser passions, Satan is determined to destroy with his temptations -- to pollute their souls with licentiousness. He is not aiming especially at the lower and less important marks, but he makes use of his snares through those whom he can enlist as his agents to allure or attract men to take liberties which are condemned in the law of God. And men in responsible positions, teaching the claims of God's law, whose mouths are filled with arguments in vindication of His law, against which Satan has made such a raid --over such he sets his hellish powers and his agencies at work and overthrows them upon the weak points in their character, knowing that he who offends on one point is guilty of all, thus obtaining complete mastery over the entire man. Mind, soul, body, and conscience are involved in the ruin. If he be a messenger of righteousness and has had great light, or if the Lord has used him as His special worker in the cause of truth, then how great is the triumph of Satan!  How he exults! How God is dishonored!  {AH 327.1}


  All heaven took a deep and joyful interest in the creation of the world and of man. Human beings were a new and distinct order. They were made “in the image of God,” and it was the Creator’s design that they should populate the earth. They were to live in close communion with heaven, receiving power from the Source of all power. Upheld by God, they were to live sinless lives.  { SD 7.2} 
  I then saw the Word of God, pure and unadulterated, and that we must answer for the way we received the truth proclaimed from that Word. I saw that it had been a hammer to break the flinty heart in pieces, and a fire to consume the dross and tin, that the heart might be pure and holy. I saw that the Apocrypha  [SEE MR. NO. 1148, "ELLEN G. WHITE AND THE APOCRYPHA."] was the hidden book, and that the wise of these last days should understand it. I saw that the Bible was the standard Book, that will judge us at the last day. I saw that heaven would be cheap enough, and that nothing was too dear to sacrifice for Jesus, and that we must give all to enter the kingdom. I heard an angel say,"Think ye God will place His seal where there is an idol?  No, no."  {16MR 34.3}


  In view of all these influences which are at work in the world to instill infidel sentiments into the minds of the rising generation, shall those parents who have the light of truth aid in this work? Shall they, by their example, their influence, give the impression to their own children and to the world that it makes little difference whether they obey God in every particular? We all need both sound Bible doctrine and pure heart religion in order that we may represent the truth as it is in Jesus. We need continually to breathe the vitalizing atmosphere of heaven that we may have spiritual health and strength. The law of God must be an abiding, active principle in the heart, if we would exert a correct influence over others. It must have a controlling influence upon the conscience and the understanding, and upon the thoughts, and words, and deeds. { RH May 4, 1886, par. 5 }
  O, the breadth and height and depth of the love of God! Who of finite beings can comprehend it? He would do a work, a great work, that in the fullness of the offering He would leave no possible excuse for man to be apprehensive that his guilt is too great for the offering to ransom him. God claims the whole of the affections of man, the whole heart, the whole soul, the whole mind, the whole strength. He lays claim to all that there is of man, because He has poured out the whole treasure of heaven by giving us His all at once, reserving back nothing greater that heaven can do.  Lt36a-1890.13


The Lord says, "Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the firethat thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see." Rev. 3:17, 18. The gold tried in the fire is faith that works by love. Only this can bring us into harmony with God.  We may be active, we may do much work; but without love, such love as dwelt in the heart of Christ, we can never be numbered with the family of heaven {COL 158.2} 


      Note:     Numbers shown in ( ) is the  ( number of texts )  containing this phrase

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