Book - Patriarchs and Prophets






            By  Ellen G. White


  This volume treats upon the themes of Bible History, themes not in themselves new, yet here so presented as to give them a new significance, revealing springs of action, showing the important bearing of certain movements, and bringing into strong light some features that are but briefly mentioned in the Bible. Thus the scenes have a vividness and importance that tend to make new and lasting impressions. Such a light is shed upon the Scripture record as to reveal more fully the character and purposes of God; to make manifest the wiles of Satan and the means by which his power will be finally overthrown; to bring to view the weakness of the human heart, and show how the grace of God has enabled men to conquer in the battle with evil. 

All this is in harmony with what God has shown to be His purpose in unfolding to men the truths of His word. The agency by which these revelation have been given is seen - when tested by the Scriptures - to be one of the methods God still employs to impart instruction to the children of men.

   See video about this book - explains why God allowed sin into the world

>   Chapter  1:     Why was Sin permitted           - page   33 -  44
>   Chapter  2:     The Creation - page   45 -  51
>   Chapter  3:     The Temptation and Fall - page   52 -  62
>   Chapter  4:     The Plan of Redemption - page   63 -  70 
>   Chapter  5:    Cain and Abel Tested - page   71 -  79
>   Chapter  6:    Seth and Enoch - page   80 -  89
>   Chapter  7:    The Flood - page   90 - 104
>   Chapter  8:    After The Flood - page 105 - 110
>   Chapter  9:    The Literal Week - page 111 - 116
>  Chapter 10:    The Tower of Babel - page 117 - 124
>  Chapter 11:    The Call of Abraham - page 125 - 131
>  Chapter 12:    Abraham in Canaan - page 132 - 144
>  Chapter 13:    The Test of Faith - page 145 - 155
>  Chapter 14:    Destruction of Sodom - page 156 - 170
>  Chapter 15:   The Marriage of Isaac   .   .   .   .   .   . - page 171 - 176   .   .   .   .   .
>  Chapter 16:    Jacob and Esau - page 177 - 182
>  Chapter 17:     




    Jacob's Flight and Exile - page 183 - 194
Chapter 18:    The Night of Wrestling - page 195 - 203
Chapter 19:    The Return to Canaan - page 204 - 213
Chapter 20:    Joseph in Egypt  - page 214 - 223
Chapter 21:    Joseph and his Brothers - page 224 - 240
Chapter 22:    Moses - page 241 - 256
Chapter 23:    The Plagues of Egypt - page 257 - 272
                              Appendix - Notes 1 and 2  
Chapter 24:    The Passover - page 273 - 281
Chapter 25:    The Exodus - page 281 - 291
  Ted Wilson  The Exodus (part about Red Sea Crossing) . . - page 282 - 290
Chapter 26:    From the Red Sea to Sinai - page 291 - 302
Chapter 27:    The Law Given to Israel - page 303 - 314



Chapter 31:  
Chapter 32:  
Chapter 33: - page 
Chapter 34:   Twelve Spies - page 
Chapter 35:    Rebellion of Korah - page 395 - 405
Chapter 36:    In the Wilderness  .  .  .  .  . - page 406 -
Chapter 37:  
Chapter 38:  
Chapter 39:  


Chapter 40:    .  .  .   - page  -
Chapter 41:  
Chapter 42:  
Chapter 43:  



EGW endorses this book:  Ms-1 1905

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