Book-Christ Object Lessons (Contents)

         Reading  and  discussion  of  this  book  on  conference  call   every  Tuesday  and  Thursday  also  broadcast  live  on  internet  radio        



      -   -   -    

  - - Live discussion every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00pm  ( Eastern time)  

      also simultaneous broadcast in internet radio  -- 


  - -  You can post comments on this special site for the event


  Ellen White's book draws the reader to the Saviour through a better understanding of His teachings.  In His parable teaching He linked divine truth with common things and incidents, as may be found in the experiences of the people. This book is full of 'gems of truth' and to many readers it will give a richer meaning to the common surroundings of everyday life.

  Template page   --  see page on Original Site

                          When this page is finished you will be able to read this book here

         T a b l e     o f     C o n t e n t s


                      P r e f a c e

     Page  7

Chapter   1 - - -  Teaching in Parables

     Page  17


Reading and Discussion

6 sessions:

June 21 to July 7, 2022



Chapter   2 - - -  The Sower went Forth to Sow

Matt. 13: 1-9; 18-23    Page  33

14 Sessions:

July 12 to Aug, 11, 2022



Chapter   3  - -   "First the blade, then the ear"

  Mark 4: 26 - 29    Page  62

Every Tuesday & Thursday

  Aug. 16 to 23, 2022



Chapter   4 - - -  Tares

Matt. 13: 24-30; 37-43    
        Aug. 25 to Sept. 1, 2022     Pages 70 to 75

Chapter   5 - - -  Like a grain of Mustard Seed

Matt. 13: 31; Mark 4:30    Page  76
      no artwork for chapter 5      


Chapter   6 - -  Other Lessons from Seed sowing


  Sept. 13 to 27, 2022

    Pages 80 to 94


Chapter   7   - - -    Like unto Leaven                          

  Matthew 13: 33    

  study started

  September 29th 

    Pages 95 to 102


Chapter   8   - - -    Hidden Treasure                

  Matthew 13: 44    

   study started

   October 13, 2022

    Pages 103 to 114


Chapter   9   - - -    The Pearl                              

Matthew 13: 45, 46     Page 115

   study started

  November 3, 2022



Chapter 10  - - -    The Net                                      

 Matthew 13: 47 - 50         Page 122

Chapter 11 - - -   Things New and Old                       

 Matthew 13: 51, 52          Page 125 


Chapter 12 - - -   Asking  to  Give                            

Luke 11: 1 - 13     Page 139

   study started

  Dec. 20, 2022



CHAPTER 13  - - -   Two  worshipers                  

   Luke 18: 9 - 14                       Page 150 - 163         

   Current Study Started

   Jan. 2023

    Old site

   Two Worshipers   



CHAPTER 14  - -  "Shall not God avenge his own"     

   Luke 18: 1 - 8                   Page 164 - 183          

  Start study:

  Feb. 16, 2023




Chapter 15 -  "This  man  receives  sinners"

   Luke 15: 1 - 10     Page 184 - 197

   Start Study:

   March 2023

    ( 8 Sessions )




Chapter 16 - -  "Lost and is Found"   

Luke 15: 11-32     Page 198 - 211


   aka  Prodigal Son )

   Study starts:

   April 27, 2023




Chapter 17 - - -  "Spare It This Year also"

Luke 13: 1 - 9     Page 212 - 218

  ( aka  Barren Fig Tree )

  Study Starts:  May 25th



Chapter 18 - - "Go into the Highways and Hedges"    Luke 14: 1 & 12-24     Page 219 - 240


   Parable of Great Super)

  Study starts;  June 8



Chapter 19 - -  Measure  of  Forgiveness    

  Matthew 18: 21 - 35     Page 243 - 251
   Start:  July 13, 2023    


Chapter 20 - - -    Gain that is Loss

 Luke 12: 13 - 21     Page 252 - 259



Chapter 21 - - -  "A great Gulf Fixed"   

  Luke 16: 19 - 31     Page 260 - 271


Chapter 22 - - -  "Saying and Doing"       

   Matt. 21: 23 - 32

    Page 272 - 283
           old site >  Saying and Doing           


Chapter 23 - - -    The Lord's Vineyard 

  Matt. 21: 33 - 44     Page 284 - 306   
     Start:  Oct. 19, 2023    


Chapter 24 - - -   Without a Wedding Garment

  Matt. 22: 1 - 14    Page 307 - 324
       Start: Dec. 21, 2023    


Chapter 25 - - -  Talents  ( part 1 )     


  Matt. 25: 13 - 30    Page 325 - 365
Talents  ( part 2 )         
         Chapter 25       Talents    ( old site )      


Chapter 26 - - - "Friends by the Mammon of Unrighteousness     Page 366 - 375
    Luke 16: 1 - 9    



Chapter 27 - - -  "Who is my neighbor?    


   Luke 10: 25 - 37

  parable of 'The Good Samaritan'

 Page 376 - 384


Chapter 28 - - -  The Reward of Grace           Duplicate page Matt, 19: 16 - 30    Page 385 - 404
  Mark 10: 17-31; Luke 18:18    

Chapter 29 - - -  To Meet the Bridegroom   

Matt. 25: 1-13    Page 405 - to end
    To Meet the Bridegroom    old site      
Template for COL              


     EGW  comments about this book

  To the presidents of conferences, and to others in positions of leading responsibility, I would say: Let us do all in our power to impress upon the teachers connected with our educational institutions the great value of the blessings in store for those who seek diligently to make the best possible use of the gift, Christ’s Object Lessons. Let us encourage the teachers to unite with many of their students in a prayerful study of this book, preparatory to going out with them into active field work. Let us help the educators to understand their responsibility in this matter. Let us do all we can to revive the Christ’s Object Lessons work and to inaugurate plans for an active campaign with Ministry of Healing. { 9T 86.1} 



                                                     Return  to  Spirit of Prophecy  page

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