Strength (Separate page)

       Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

                 S T r e n g t h        (  12  RELATED  PHRASES )                     

        The word "Strength"  appears 13,097  times in the writings of Ellen White                        See page on Original website

           +     Strength  (  )

                     +    Strength to act  ( 5 )    +   Strength to overcome  (  )    +     Strength to resist evil   (  )

           +    God's strength   ( 28 )

                                       Strength  of   .  .  .     ( appears  - -  times )                                          

                    +      strength of brain  ( 28 )   >

                        Strength of Christian character  (  )

                        Strength of will  (  )

                                      Strength  from   .  .  .     ( appears  - -  times )                                          

                        Strength from God  (  )   +++  need of strength from God  (  )

                    +     Strength form Heaven   (  )


                                      .  .  .   Strength             ( appears  - -  times )                                          

                    +++   Hindrances to strength  (  )   

                    +     human strength  (  )   >

                    +     in their own strength  (  )  >  

                    +     Moral strength  (  )

                    +     Physical Strength  (  )

                    +     source of strength  ( 170 )     >   the source of all strength  ( 49 )    >    source of my strength  (  )

Pure and undefiled religion is not a sentiment, but the doing of works of mercy and love. This religion is necessary to health and happiness. It enters the polluted soul-temple, and with a scourge drives out the sinful intruders. Taking the throne, it consecrates all by its presence, illuminating the heart with the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness. It opens the windows of the soul heavenward, letting in the sunshine of God’s love. With it comes serenity and composure. Physical, mental, and moral strength increase, because the atmosphere of heaven, as a living, active agency, fills the soul. Christ is formed within, the hope of glory.The Review and Herald, October 15, 1901. { MYP 142.1} ​

              +     spiritual strength  ( 347 )     >    Spiritual strength is increased 

                  Your strength   ( 309 )      ►    your strength will be renewed   ( 2 )


      My  personal  favorites

   The persecution that came upon the church in Jerusalem resulted in giving a great impetus to the work of the gospel. Success had attended the ministry of the word in that place, and there was danger that the disciples would linger there too long, unmindful of the Saviour's commission to go to all the world. Forgetting that strength to resist evil is best gained by aggressive service, they began to think that they had no work so important as that of shielding the church in Jerusalem from the attacks of the enemy. Instead of educating the new converts to carry the gospel to those who had not heard it, they were in danger of taking a course that would lead all to be satisfied with what had been accomplished. To scatter His representatives abroad, where they could work for others, God permitted persecution to come upon them. Driven from Jerusalem, the believers "went everywhere preaching the word."  {AA 105.2}


  The subject of health reform has been presented in the churches; but the light has not been heartily received. The selfish, health-destroying indulgences of men and women have counteracted the influence of the message that is to prepare a people for the great day of God. If the churches expect strength, they must live the truth which God has given them. If the members of our churches disregard the light on this subject, they will reap the sure result in both spiritual and physical degeneracy. And the influence of these older church members will leaven those newly come to the faith. The Lord does not now work to bring many souls into the truth, because of the church members who have never been converted, and those who were once converted but who have backslidden. What influence would these unconsecrated members have on new converts? Would they not make of no effect the God-given message which his people are to hear?  {RH, June 4, 1914 par. 6}
  God desired His people to look to Him alone as their Law-giver and their Source of strength. Feeling their dependence upon God, they would be constantly drawn nearer to Him. They would become elevated and ennobled, fitted for the high destiny to which He had called them as His chosen people. But when a man was placed upon the throne, it would tend to turn the minds of the people from God. They would trust more to human strength, and less to divine power, and the errors of their king would lead them into sin and separate the nation from God.  {PP 606.1}
  God has placed in the church, as His appointed helpers, men of varied talents, that through the combined wisdom of many the mind of the Spirit may be met. Men who move in accordance with their own strong traits of character, refusing to yoke up with others who have had a long experience in the work of God, will become blinded by self-confidence, unable to discern between the false and the true. It is not safe for such ones to be chosen as leaders in the church; for they would follow their own judgment and plans, regardless of the judgment of their brethren. It is easy for the enemy to work through those who, themselves needing counsel at every step, undertake the guardianship of souls in their own strength, without having learned the lowliness of Christ.  {AA 279.1}


   Brethren, I entreat you to move with an eye single to the glory of God. Let His power be your dependence, His grace your strength. By study of the Scriptures and earnest prayer seek to obtain clear conceptions of your duty, and then faithfully perform it. It is essential that you cultivate faithfulness in little things, and in so doing you will acquire habits of integrity in greater responsibilities. The little incidents of everyday life often pass without our notice, but it is these things that shape the character.  Every event of life is great for good or for evil. The mind needs to be trained by daily tests, that it may acquire power to stand in any difficult position. In the days of trial and of peril you will need to be fortified to stand firmly for the right, independent of every opposing influence.  {CH 404.1}



        Note:      Numbers shown in ( ) is the  ( number of texts )  containing this phrase

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