Atmosphere (Create atmosphere for...)

     Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

              C r e a t e     A T m o s p h e r e    f o r  .  .  .        (  2  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

          The  phrase  'Create Atmosphere for . . .'  appears  1xxx  times in the published writings of EGW                   See page on Original site                                                      Related phrase:   Atmosphere of grace  (  )  - -  Create atmosphere for the soul

   Some sit in judgment on the Scriptures, declaring that this or that passage is not inspired, because it does not strike their minds favorably. They cannot harmonize it with their ideas of philosophy and science, "falsely so called" (1 Tim. 6:20).  Others for different reasons question portions of the Word of God. Thus many walk blindly where the enemy prepares the way. Now, it is not the province of any man to pronounce sentence upon the Scriptures, to judge or condemn any portion of God's Word. When one presumes to do this, Satan will create an atmosphere for him to breathe which will dwarf spiritual growth. When a man feels so very wise that he dares to dissect God's Word, his wisdom is, with God, counted foolishness. When he knows more, he will feel that he has everything to learn. And his very first lesson is to become teachable. "Learn of me," says the Great Teacher; "for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls" (Matt. 11:29).  {1SM 42.3}


   "Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." The True Witness says of the church, after enumerating many virtues, "I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." The prevailing idolatry and iniquity have had a paralyzing, deadening influence upon piety and godliness. There is distrust, selfishness, and suspicion. A few hold fast their profession of faith. Others have been leaving the simplicity of the faith, and as the result they are now treading on the border-land of skepticism. They are spiritually beclouded; and thus many are holding serious errors. Some sit in judgment on the Scriptures, declaring that this or that passage is not inspired, because it does not strike their minds favorably. They cannot harmonize it with their ideas of philosophy and science, "falsely so called." Others for different reasons question portions of the word of God. Thus many walk blindly where the enemy prepares the way. Now, it is not the province of any man to pronounce sentence upon the Scriptures, to judge or condemn any portion of God's word. When one presumes to do this, Satan will create an atmosphere for him to breathe which will dwarf spiritual growth. When a man feels so very wise that he dares to dissect God's word, his wisdom is, with God, counted foolishness. When he knows more, he will feel that he has everything to learn. And his very first lesson is to become teachable. "Learn of me," says the Great Teacher; "for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls."  {1888 901.4}


   "Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." The True Witness says of the church, after enumerating many virtues, "I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." The prevailing idolatry and iniquity have had a paralyzing, deadening influence upon piety and godliness. There is distrust, selfishness, and suspicion. A few hold fast their profession of faith. Others have been leaving the simplicity of the faith, and as the result they are now treading on the border-land of skepticism. They are spiritually beclouded; and thus many are holding serious errors. Some sit in judgment on the Scriptures, declaring that this or that passage is not inspired, because it does not strike their minds favorably. They cannot harmonize it with their ideas of philosophy and science, "falsely so called." Others for different reasons question portions of the word of God. Thus many walk blindly where the enemy prepares the way. Now, it is not the province of any man to pronounce sentence upon the Scriptures, to judge or condemn any portion of God's word. When one presumes to do this, Satan will create an atmosphere for him to breathe which will dwarf spiritual growth. When a man feels so very wise that he dares to dissect God's word, his wisdom is, with God, counted foolishness. When he knows more, he will feel that he has everything to learn. And his very first lesson is to become teachable. "Learn of me," says the Great Teacher; "for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls."  {GCDB, April 13, 1891 par. 6}
Create an atmosphere for yourself that is fragrant.-- Letter 182, 1901, pp. 3, 4. (To S. N. Haskell and wife, November 4, 1901.)  {7MR 395.3}
   When the White family settled in the little cottage on Wood Street in Battle Creek in 1857, there was forest to the north and pasturelands to the west. This gave promise of a quiet retreat and a wholesome atmosphere for rearing the family. Soon, however, the Michigan Fair Association secured considerable acreage almost adjoining the White property and built a racetrack for trotting horses. As the war came on, this proved to be an excellent training ground for recruits in the Union Army. The activities on the fairgrounds came to be of special interest to the teenage boys. W.C. White later recalled.  {2BIO 59.1}
   Oh, we must be terribly in earnest to impress upon every soul that there is a hell to shun and a heaven to be won. Every energy of the soul must be aroused to force their passage, and seize the kingdom of heaven by force. Satan is active, and we must be active. Satan is untiring and persevering and we must be. This is no time now to make excuses and blame others for our backslidings, no time now to flatter the soul -- if circumstances had only been more favorable, how much easier for us to work the works of God. We must tell even those who profess the truth that they must cease to offend God by their sinful excuses. Jesus has provided for every emergency. If they will walk where He leads the way, He will make rough places plain. He, with His presence will create an atmosphere for the soul. He closes the door, and brings the soul into seclusion with God, and the needy soul is to forget everyone and everything but God. Satan will walk with him, but speak aloud to God, and He will drive back the hellish shadow of Satan. With humble, subdued, thankful hearts they will come forth saying, Thy gentleness hath made me great.  {BTS, June 1, 1917 par. 3}


                                                 Create  an  atmosphere  for  the  soul                                                                                         


   Oh, we must be terribly in earnest to impress every soul that there is a hell to shun and a heaven to be won. Every energy of the soul must be aroused to force their passage, and seize the kingdom of heaven by force. Satan is active, and we must be active. Satan is untiring and persevering, and we must be. This is no time now to make excuses and blame others for our backslidings; no time now to flatter the soul: if circumstances had only been more favorable, how much easier for us to work the work of God. We must tell even those who profess the truth that they must cease to offend God by their sinful excuses. Jesus has provided for every emergency. If they will walk where he leads the way, he will make rough places plain. He, with his presence, will create an atmosphere for the soul. He closes the door and brings the soul into seclusion with God, and the needy soul is to forget everyone and everything but God. Satan will walk with him; but speak aloud to God, and he will drive back the hellish shadow of Satan. With humble, subdued, thankful hearts, they will come forth saying, Thy gentleness hath made me great. The sincere seeker comes forth from the audience with God, rich in the assurance of his love to go forth to distill a heavenly fragrance wherever he goes. He can talk of the righteousness of Christ; he can talk the love of God with sincerity. He has tested, and he knows the Lord is good. This work is to be done in all our churches. Christ his love, his forgiveness, his purity is to be the theme upon which we dwell. The charms of Jesus are to be kept ever before our minds, charged with the elevated character of the true model that every soul should copy. Let us turn our hearts from everything that would dishearten and discourage. Satan will seek to distort everything to our vision, and make a mountain of a mole hill. Our eyes must be steadily fixed on Jesus. The Lord Jesus is our leader. We must follow where he leads the way. We are not to commence to plan for the second step. We are not to say, Lord, after I have taken this step, what shall I do, for I shall meet with difficulties? But by faith we must take that one step, come what will, and trust in Jesus.  {PC 345.2}


   Jesus has provided for every emergency. If they will walk where He leads the way, He will make rough places plain. He, with His experience, will create an atmosphere for the soul. He closes the door and brings the soul into seclusion with God, and the needy soul is to forget everyone and everything, but God. Satan will talk with him, but speak aloud to God and He will drive back the hellish shadow of Satan. With humble, subdued, thankful hearts they will come forth saying, "Thy gentleness hath made me great." The sincere seeker comes forth from the alliance with God, rich in the assurance of His love, to go forth to distill a heavenly prayer wherever he goes. He can talk of the righteousness of Christ; he can talk [of] the love of God with sincerity. He has trusted and he knows the Lord is good.  {12MR 336.3}




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