Promises of God (Separate page)

      Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

                p r o m i s e s    o f    g o d       ( 34  RELATED  PHRASES )                             

            This  phrase  appears  758  times  in the writings of Ellen White                       See page on Original Site

           +     God's Promise is:    ( 23 )        >    God's promise is sure   ( 3 )
                                                                     >    God's promise is given   ( 2 )

           +       The promises of God are .  .  .    ( 65 )
                                                        ►   God's promises are on condition of obedience

           +      God has promised   ( 162 )     >     He has promised  (  )

           +      Claim the promises of God     >    Claimed the Promises of God   ( 14 )

           +      Here is a promise  ( 6 )    >    Here is a promise on condition  ( 2 )


           +      Promise of Redemption   (  )

           +      Precious promises   ( 382 )      >     great and precious promises  (  )

           +      the promise of eternal life   (  )

                                .  .  .   in  the  promises  of  God     ( appears 100 times )                                     

                      Believe in the promises of God    ( 9 )

                      Faith in the promises of God    ( 42 )     >   Faith in the divine promises  (  )


                  +     Rest in the promises of God     ( 9 )

                  +     Trust in the promises of God    (  )

                        .  .  .  to  the  promises  of  God                                                  

                  +     Cling to the promises of God     >

                  +     Hold on the promises of God  ( 17 )   >   Lay hold on the promises of God

                  +    Limit to the promises of God  ( 5 )   >   No limit to the promises of God   

                 +    Right to the promises of God   (   )   >  No right to the promises of God  (  )

                          g o d's     P R O M I S E S                                      


             +      God's Promises     (  )             ►    Remember God's promises   ( 10 )

             +      Fullfilment of God's Promises  ( 5 )    ►  Fullfilment of God's Promise   ( 9 )

             +      Lay hold of God's promises   ( 9 ) 


                                                     H i s     P r o m i s e s        ( appears 490 times )                                          


             +     His Promises are .  .  .     ( 32 )     >    His promises are ours 

                                       >   His Promises are made upon conditions

             +     Trust in God and His Promises       >    Cling to God and His Promises

             +      Leaning on His Promise   (  )

Many are forfeiting the condition of acceptance with the Father. We need to examine closely the deed of trust wherewith we approach God. If we are disobedient, we bring to the Lord a note to be cashed when we have not fulfilled the conditions that would make it payable to us. We present to God His promises,and ask Him to fulfill them, when by so doing He would dishonor His own name.  {COL 143.3}


        My  personal  favorites         Our Favorite - Aug. 2011

  There are conditions to the fulfillment of God’s promises, and prayer can never take the place of duty. “If ye love me,” Christ says, “Keep My Commandments.”  “He that hath My Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me; and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him.”  John 14: 15, 21.  Those who bring their petitions to God, claiming His promise while they go not comply with the conditions, insult Jehovah. They bring the name of Christ as their authority for the fulfillment of the promise, but they do not those things that would show faith in Christ and love for Him.     Christ’s Object Lessons, page 143, par. 2



  We as a people have fallen into the opposite error. We acknowledge the claims of God's law, and teach the people the duty of rendering obedience. We believe in giving everything, but we do not see that we must take as well as give. We fail to have that trust, that faith, which keeps the soul abiding in Christ. We claim little, when we might claim much; for there is no limit to the promises of God. Through a lack of faith, many who seek to obey the commandments of God have little peace and joy; they do not correctly represent the sanctification that is to come through obedience to the truth. They are not anchored in Christ. Many feel a lack in their experience; they desire something which they have not; and thus some are led to attend holiness meetings, and are charmed with the sentiments of those who break the law of God.  {GW92 227.2}



We must cherish and cultivate the faith of which prophets and apostles have testified -- the faith that lays hold on the promises of God and waits for deliverance in His appointed time and way. The sure word of prophecy will meet its final fulfillment in the glorious advent of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as King of kings and Lord of lords. The time of waiting may seem long, the soul may be oppressed by discouraging circumstances, many in whom confidence has been placed may fall by the way; but with the prophet who endeavored to encourage Judah in a time of unparalleled apostasy, let us confidently declare, "The Lord is in His holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before Him." Habakkuk 2:20. Let us ever hold in remembrance the cheering message, "The vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. . . . The just shall live by his faith." Verses 3, 4.

      "O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years,
       In the midst of the years make known;
       In wrath remember mercy.

      "God came from Teman,
       And the Holy One from Mount Paran.
       His glory covered the heavens,
       And the earth was full of His praise.
       And His brightness was as the light;
       He had bright beams out of His side:
       And there was the hiding of His power.
       Before Him went the pestilence,
       And burning coals went forth at His feet.
       He stood, and measured the earth:
       He beheld, and drove asunder the nations;
       And the everlasting mountains were scattered,
       The perpetual hills did bow:
       His ways are everlasting."

      "Thou wentest forth for the salvation of Thy people,
       Even for salvation with Thine anointed."

      "Although the fig tree shall not blossom,
       Neither shall fruit be in the vines;
       The labor of the olive shall fail,
       And the fields shall yield no meat;
       The flock shall be cut off from the fold,
       And there shall be no herd in the stalls:
       Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
       I will joy in the God of my salvation.
       The Lord God is my strength."
               Habakkuk 3:2-6, 13, 17-19, margin.    {Prophets and Kings, page 387.2}


Related Phrases:     Promise of God   -   His Promise



                                                                   Promise  of  God                                                                                                 


   Every good impulse or aspiration is the gift of God; faith receives from God the life that alone can produce true growth and efficiency. How to exercise faith should be made very plain. To every promise of God there are conditions. If we are willing to do His will, all His strength is ours. Whatever gift He promises, is in the promise itself. "The seed is the word of God." Luke 8:11. As surely as the oak is in the acorn, so surely is the gift of God in His promise. If we receive the promise, we have the gift.  Education, page 253.3                          


The truths most plainly revealed in the Bible have been involved in doubt and darkness by learned men, who, with a pretense of great wisdom, teach that the Scriptures have a mystical, a secret, spiritual meaning not apparent in the language employed. These men are false teachers. It was to such a class that Jesus declared: "Ye know not the Scriptures, neither the power of God." Mark 12:24. The language of the Bible should be explained according to its obvious meaning, unless a symbol or figure is employed. Christ has given the promise: "If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine." John 7:17. If men would but take the Bible as it reads, if there were no false teachers to mislead and confuse their minds, a work would be accomplished that would make angels glad and that would bring into the fold of Christ thousands upon thousands who are now wandering in error.  Great Controversy, page 598.3


               Numbers shown in (   ) is the  ( number of texts )  containing this phrase

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