Prayer Meeting - Pastoral Ministry, page 183

                                   P R A Y E R     M E E T I N G                             

                                  Pastoral  Ministry  -  Chapter 32   ( page 183 to 185 )                                               


 The church must pray often -- Jesus prayed! The Majesty of Heaven prayed! He wept in behalf of man. Prayer, faithful, earnest prayer will move the arm that moves the world. The minister of Christ must pray if he would have the refreshing from the presence of God. The church must pray much if they would walk in the light, as He is in the light. -- ST Jan. 15, 1880. {PaM 183.1} 


Prayer meeting is the pulse of the church body  --  A prayer meeting will always tell the true interest of the church members in spiritual and eternal things.  The prayer meeting is as the pulse to the body; it denotes the true spiritual condition of the church.   A lifeless, backslidden church has no relish for the prayer meetings. -- Selections from Testimonies to the Managers and Workers in our Institutions (Ph 149) 32.  {PaM 183.2} 


Members should give prayer meeting a higher priority -- Many declare that it is certainly no harm to go to a concert and neglect the prayer-meeting, or absent themselves from meetings where God's servants are to declare a message from heaven. It is safe for you to be just where Christ has said He would be. Those who appreciate the words of Christ will not turn aside from the prayer-meeting, or from the meeting where the Lord's messenger has been sent to tell them concerning things of eternal interest. Jesus has said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Can you afford to choose your pleasure and miss the blessing? It is indulgence in these things that has a telling influence not only on your own life and character, but upon the life and character of your associates. If all who profess to be followers of Christ would be so in deed and in truth, they would have the mind of Christ, and would work the works of God. They would resist temptation to indulge self, and would show that they do not enjoy the frivolous pleasure of the world more than the privilege of meeting with Christ in the social meeting. They would then have a decided influence upon others, and lead them to follow their example. -- YI Apr. 23, 1912. {PaM 183.3}


Those really seeking for communion with God will be seen in the prayer meeting -- There is necessity for diligence in prayer; let nothing hinder you. Make every effort to keep open the communion between Jesus and your own soul. Seek every opportunity to go where prayer is wont to be made. Those who are really seeking for communion with God will be seen in the prayer meeting, faithful to do their duty and earnest and anxious to reap all the benefits they can gain. They will improve every opportunity of placing themselves where they can receive the rays of light from heaven. -- Steps to Christ, page 98. {PaM 183.4} 


Effective prayer meeting results when each who attends feels personally responsible for its success -- Before leaving home, go to God in secret prayer. Plead with Him for His blessing, and He who "seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly." With your heart softened by the love of Jesus, go to the meeting, feeling that you are personally responsible for its success. If but few attend, you should feel under double responsibility. You are in the service of God, and should do what you can with your talent, tact, and skill to make His worship interesting. -- ST Dec. 4, 1884. {PaM 184.1} 


Prayer meeting need not be dull, spiritless, and unattractive -- Christians do not always make the public worship of God of sufficient importance. They do not realize their responsibility in the matter. The prayer-meeting, especially, is often dull, spiritless, and unattractive. But it need not be. Even where few love the hour of prayer, it may be made interesting and profitable. The presence of Jesus is not confined to large assemblies. -- ST Dec. 4, 1884. {PaM 184.2} 


If people find the Bread of Life at prayer meeting, they will go there to receive it -- The prayer meetings should be the most interesting gatherings that are held; but these are frequently poorly managed. Many attend preaching, but neglect the prayer meeting. Here, again, thought is required. Wisdom should be sought of God, and plans should be laid to conduct the meetings so that they will be interesting and attractive. The people hunger for the Bread of Life. If they find it at prayer meeting, they will go there to receive it. -- 4T 70. {PaM 184.3} 

                                                                  T E S T I M O N I E S    

The testimony meeting may be considered the most precious of all meetings -- What deep and grave importance is attached to these little assemblies! Jesus Christ has paid the ransom money of His own blood for their souls, and He is in the midst of them when they meet to worship God. The Majesty of heaven identifies His interests with those of the believers, however humble may be their circumstances. And wherever they are privileged to meet together, it is appropriate that they speak often one to another, giving utterance to the gratitude and love that results from thinking upon the name of the Lord. Thus shall God be glorified as He hearkens and hears, and the testimony meeting will be considered the most precious of all meetings. -- OHC 168 {PaM 184.4}


Meetings are interesting when everyone has something to say for the Lord -- The Lord has shown me that great interest should be taken by Sabbathkeepers to keep up their meetings and make them interesting. There is great necessity of more interest and energy being manifested in this direction. All should have something to say for the Lord, for by so doing they will be blest.  A book of remembrance is written of those who do not forsake the assembling of themselves together, but speak often one to another. The remnant are to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. Some expect to overcome alone by the blood of the Lamb, without making any special effort of their own. I saw that God has been merciful in giving us the power of speech. He has given us a tongue, and we are accountable to Him for its use. We should glorify God with our mouth, speaking in honor of the truth and of His unbounded mercy, and overcome by the word of our testimony through the blood of the Lamb. -- EW 114. {PaM 185.1} 


Testimonies should be short and of a nature to help others -- The prayer and social meeting should be a season of special help and encouragement. All should feel it a privilege to take part. Let every one who bears the name of Christ have something to say in the social meeting. The testimonies should be short, and of a nature to help others. Nothing will so completely kill the spirit of devotion as for one person to take up twenty or thirty minutes in a long testimony. This means death to the spirituality of the meeting. -- GW 171. {PaM 185.2} 


Cold prayers and long testimonies cast a shadow over the prayer meeting -- There are some, I fear, who do not take their troubles to God in private prayer, but reserve them for the prayer meeting, and there do up their praying for several days. Such may be named conference and prayer meeting killers. They emit no light; they edify no one. Their cold, frozen prayers and long, backslidden testimonies cast a shadow. All are glad when they get through, and it is almost impossible to throw off the chill and darkness which their prayers and exhortations bring into the meeting. From the light which I have received, our meetings should be spiritual and social, and not too long. Reserve, pride, vanity, and fear of man should be left at home. Little differences and prejudices should not be taken with us to these meetings. As in a united family, simplicity, meekness, confidence, and love should exist in the hearts of brethren and sisters who meet to be refreshed and invigorated by bringing their lights together. -- 2T 578. {PaM 185.3} 


Bring no dull, complaining spirit into the prayer meeting -- Many prayers and testimonies are as destitute of the Spirit of God as a dry sponge is of moisture; for there is no Jesus abiding in the heart. This makes the prayer-meeting cold and lifeless, and it is no wonder that children dread such seasons. Bring no dull, complaining spirit into the prayer-meeting.  Do not compare notes to see how sorrowful a story you can tell. There is enough to talk about without raising one doleful strain. When we are willing to come as little children, conscious of our own weakness, and willing to be instructed by the Divine Teachers, our hearts will be filled with the love of Jesus, and we shall long to speak of his matchless worth. We shall cease to talk of self. Our trials will look so small that we shall forget to mention them. We have many blessings. Let us cultivate gratitude, and talk of the goodness of God. -- ST Dec. 4, 1884. {PaM 185.4} 


                                                  Continue to Chapter 33:   Preaching

                                                   Return to Spirit of Prophecy Section

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