God given right (6)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

              G O D    g i v e n    r i g h t            (  2  RELATED  PHRASES  )     

     The  phrase  'God given right'  appears  6  times in the published writings of EGW      page not on Original site            Related phrase:    God given rights ( 8 )

   I am now preparing the private testimonies, for they contain so many warnings in regard to the very dangers we are passing through. No man has a right to be judge over his fellow man as his God-given right. What Christ was in His life, we are to strive to be. Christ is our model, not only in His spotless holiness, but in compassion and patience and forbearance and love. “Learn of me,” saith the perfect Teacher, “for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” We are to learn of Christ true courtesy and excellent judgment, and we are never to place ourselves as a God to tell any man his duty, for that is not given us of God. { 16MR 127.1 } 


  By the Sea of Galilee a company had gathered to see and hear Jesus—an eager, expectant throng. The sick were there, lying on their mats, waiting to present their cases before Him. It was Christ’s God-given right to heal the woes of a sinful race, and He now rebuked disease, and diffused around Him life and health and peace. { COL 33.2}  Read entire Chapter 2


  By the Sea of Galilee a company had gathered to see and hear Jesus— an eager, expectant throng. The sick were there, lying on their mats, waiting to present their cases before Him. It was Christ’s God-given right to heal the woes of a sinful race, and He now rebuked disease, and diffused around Him life and health and peace. { CSA 19.1 } 
   On the shore a company has gathered to see and hear Jesus,—an eager, expectant throng. The sick are there, lying on their rugs, waiting to present their cases before him. It is Christ’s God-given right to heal the woes of a sinful race, and he now rebukes disease, and diffuses around him life and peace and health. { RH September 26, 1899, par. 7 }


  Elder Burden has been given this work, and he has good helpers and advisers in the workers who are associated with him. The Lord appointed Elder Burden to the position he occupies, and he is to bear his responsibilities in that position without interference. He is fully capable of doing the work that has been given him to do. The Lord has not told you to watch and criticize, and interfere with his work. He bids you, my brother, to stand out of the way. Elder Burden has proved in the past that he can do his work acceptable. He is to stand in his lot and place, exercising his God-given right to ask wisdom of Him who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not. { LLM 240.3 } 


  Elder Burden has been given this work, and he has good helpers and advisers in the workers who are associated with him The Lord appointed Elder Burden to the position he occupies, and he is to bear his responsibilities in that position without interference. He is fully capable of doing the work that has been given him to do. The Lord has not told you to watch and criticize, and interfere with his work. He bids you, my brother, to stand out of the way. Elder Burden has proved in the past that he can do his work acceptably. He is to stand in his lot and place, exercising his God-given right to ask wisdom of Him who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not. { SpM 412.4 } 


         G O D    g i v e n    r i g h t s                                 

        The  phrase  'God given rights'  appears  8  times in the published writings of EGW            

   Today, as in Christ’s day, Satan rules the minds of many. Oh, that his terrible, fearful work could be discerned and resisted! Selfishness has perverted principles, selfishness has confused the senses and clouded the judgment. It seems so strange that notwithstanding all the light that is shining from God’s blessed word, there should be such strange ideas held, such a departure from the spirit and practice of truth. The desire to grasp large wages, with a determination to deprive others of their God-given rights, has its origin in Satan’s mind; and by their obedience to his will and way, men place themselves under his banner. Little dependence can be placed on those that have been taken in this snare, unless they are thoroughly converted and renovated; for they have been leavened by wrong principles, which they could not perceive were deleterious in their effect. { TM 392.3}  also appears { SpTA10 26.1 } 


  The desire to grasp large wages, with a determination to deprive others of their God-given rights, has its origin in Satan’s mind, and by their obedience to his will and way men place themselves under his banner. Little dependence can be placed on those that have been taken in this snare, unless they are thoroughly converted and renovated; for they have been leavened by wrong principles which they could not perceive were deleterious in their effect.— Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers 8, February 6, 1896, 26. ( Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 392, 393.)  { 1MCP 272.2} 


  If God in His mercy has given the blind man inventive faculties that he can use for his own good, God forbid that anyone should grudge him this privilege and rob him of the benefits he might derive from God’s gift to him. The blind man has disadvantages to meet on every side in the loss of his sight. That heart in which pity and sympathy are not excited at seeing a blind man groping his way in a world clothed to him in darkness, is hard indeed and must be softened by the grace of God. Not a face can the blind man look upon and there read kindly sympathy and true benevolence. He cannot look upon the beauties of nature and trace the finger of God in His created works. Their cheering gladness does not speak to him to comfort and to bless when despondency broods over him. How quickly would he exchange his blindness and every temporal blessing for the blessing of sight. But he is shut up to a world of darkness, and his God-given rights have been trampled upon that others might get gain. { 3T 521.1} 


  The minds of many women are exercised almost entirely upon fashion and display; their inventive powers are daily taxed to prepare new dishes to tempt the appetite; and all their Heaven-given intelligence subverted to meet the demands of a false and demoralized state of society. This bondage of custom in which women are held, robs children of their God-given rights, casts them, morally feeble, and incapable, upon the world, to be overtaken by intemperance and crime. { HR February 1, 1878, par. 9 }


  Nothing can have a greater claim upon the mother than her children have; and when their needs are lightly regarded, when she sets aside their claims, in order to devote herself to visitors, she is robbing her children of their God-given rights. No absorption in business on the part of parents can warrant a departure from God’s plans and ways. Your first and grandest work is for your children. Let the light of heavenly grace irradiate your character, that there may be sunlight in the home. Let there be peace, pleasant words, and cheerful countenances. This is not blind affection, not that tenderness which encourages sin by unwise indulgence, and which is the veriest cruelty, not that false love which allows the children to rule, and makes the parents slaves to their caprices. There should be no parental partiality, no oppression; the combined influence of affection and authority will place the right mold upon the family. { RH September 15, 1891, par. 15 }


  The mixing up of things sacred with things carnal, the conforming of the church to the world, [the] making [of] laws to bind the consciences of those whom God has made free, [all this, done] through secular influences, will be the masterly working of satanic agencies in cruel imprisonments. And the human agent exercising a power over the religious faith and conscience of his fellow men, will hinder many poor, timid, ignorant souls from doing the will of God. But many will be taught of God. They will learn aright from Jesus Christ. They have been more slow to learn lessons relating to religious liberty, because of the attitude that man has assumed toward his fellow men, calling men his property. Imperfect discernment exists still in many minds in reference to their own God-given rights. { 4MR 6.3 } 


   Today, as in Christ’s day, Satan rules the minds of many. O that his terrible, fearful work could be discerned and resisted. Selfishness has perverted principles, selfishness has confused the senses and clouded the judgment. It seems so strange that notwithstanding all the light that is shining from God’s blessed word, there should be such strange ideas held, such a departure from the spirit and practice of the truth. The desire to grasp large wages, with a determination to deprive others of their God-given rights, has its origin in Satan’s mind; and by their obedience to his will and way men place themselves under his banner. Little dependence can be placed in these that have been taken in this snare, unless they are thoroughly converted and renovated; for they have been leavened by wrong principles, which they could not perceive were deleterious in their effect. { 1888 1493.3 } 



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