Unkindness (105)

  Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

            u n K I N D N E S S             (  2  RELATED  PHRASES )                     

                        The  word  'unkindness'  appears  105  times in the published writings of EGW                                                    page not on Original site                                                                     Related Phrase:   unkind to others  ( 4 )  - -   ( see Unkindness  +  unkind )

   It was “while we were yet sinners,” that “Christ died for us.” [Romans 5:8.]  In view of his unmerited love and mercy toward us, how can we cherish malice, or even one feeling of unkindness toward our brethren, the purchase of his blood?  Let us put away all suspicion and hatred, and all feelings of bitterness, even toward our worst enemies, those who seek to do us harm. But, brethren, do not wait till the heart is in harmony with your brother before you come to Jesus; for it is his Spirit and power working in you that will give you the victory.  { GW92 430.2 } and { BTS August 1, 1912, par. 5 }



   Mild measures, soft answers, and pleasant words are much better fitted to reform and save, than severity and harshness.  A little too much unkindness may place persons beyond your reach, while a conciliatory spirit would be the means of binding them to you, and you might then establish them in the right way. You should be actuated by a forgiving spirit also, and give due credit to every good purpose and action of those around you. Speak words of commendation to your husband, your child, your sister, and to all with whom you are associated. Continual censure blights and darkens the life of anyone.  { 4T 65.1} 

  Mild measures, soft answers, and pleasant words are much better fitted to reform and save, than severity and harshness.  A little too much unkindness may place persons beyond your reach, while a conciliatory spirit would be the means of binding them to you, and you might then establish them in the right way. You should be actuated by a forgiving spirit also, and give due credit to every good purpose and action of those around you.  { CCh 254.3}  also  { GW92 399.2 } 


  By speaking kindly to their children and praising them when they try to do right, parents may encourage their efforts, make them very happy, and throw around the family circle a charm which will chase away very dark shadow and bring cheerful sunlight in.  Mutua l kindness  and  forbearance will make home a Paradise and attract holy angels into the family circle; but they will flee from a house where there are unpleasant words, fretfulness, and strife. Unkindness, complaining, and anger shut Jesus from the dwelling.  { AH 421.6} 


   Seek to set a noble example to others, and make them happy. Do not repeat things which you have  heard to the injury of another.  Ever seek to make peace. Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.” If you, my dear children, strive to make peace with one another, and ever love as brothers should, you will be blessed. Reflect, dear boys, if one of you should die and be laid in the silent grave, how bitterly would the living feel over every unkind word  that had been spoken, every act which had grieved—all would be revived. Every little unkindness would prove a thorn to wound your heart.  { AY 66.1 } 


  At first the unbelieving one may make no show of opposition in the new relation; but when the subject of Bible truth is presented for attention and consideration, the feeling at once arises: “You married me, knowing that I was what I am; I do not wish to be disturbed. From henceforth let it be understood that conversation upon your peculiar views is to be interdicted.” If the believer should manifest any special earnestness in regard to his faith, it might seem like unkindness toward the one who has no interest in the Christian experience. { CCh 121.4} 


   Those who are appointed to guard the spiritual interests of the church should be careful to set a right example, giving no occasion for envy, jealousy, or suspicion, ever manifesting that same spirit of love, respect, and courtesy which they desire to encourage in their brethren. Diligent heed should be given to the instructions of God’s word. Let every manifestation of animosity or unkindness be checked; let every root of bitterness be removed. When trouble arises between brethren, the Saviour’s rule should be strictly followed. All possible effort should be made to effect a reconciliation; but if the parties stubbornly persist in remaining at variance, they should be suspended till they can harmonize. { 5T 241.2} 


  There is danger of failing to give due attention to the little things of life. There should be no neglect on the part of the minister to speak kindly, encouraging words in the family circle.  My ministering brother, do you, in the home circle, show rudeness, unkindness, impoliteness? If you do, no matter how high your profession, you are breaking the commandments. No matter how earnestly you may preach to others, if you fail to manifest the love of Christ in your home life, you are falling short of the standard set for you. Think not that the man who goes from the sacred desk to indulge in harsh, sarcastic remarks, or in jesting and joking, is a representative of Christ. The love of God is not in him. His heart is filled with self-love, self-importance, and he makes it manifest that he has not a true estimate of sacred things. Christ is not with him, and he does not go weighted with the solemn message of truth for this time. { GW 205.2}


Never Manifest Rudeness or Unkindness — Do you never manifest rudeness, unkindness, and impoliteness in the family circle? If you do manifest unkindness at your home, no matter how high may be your profession, you are breaking God’s commandments.—The Review and Herald, March 29, 1892. { 1MCP 157.1 } 


  The spirit of hatred and revenge originated with Satan, and it led him to put to death the Son of God. Whoever cherishes malice or unkindness is cherishing the same spirit, and its fruit will be unto death. In the revengeful thought the evil deed lies enfolded, as the plant in the seed. “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him” ( 1 John 3:15). — Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 56 (1896). { 2MCP 524.1 }  and  { 2MCP 608.3 }  also  { SD 61.4} 


   When a man professes to be sanctified, and yet in words and works may be represented by the impure fountain sending forth its bitter waters, we may safely say, That man is deceived. He needs to learn the very alphabet of what constitutes the life of a Christian. Some who profess to be servants of Christ have so long cherished the demon of unkindness that they seem to love the unhallowed element and to take pleasure in speaking words that displease and irritate. These men must be converted before Christ will acknowledge them as His children. { SL 16.1} 


  There have been many things displeasing to God in the young men and young women who have acted as teachers at our college. You have been so absorbed in yourselves, and so devoid of spirituality, that you could not lead the youth to holiness and heaven. Many have returned to their homes more decided in their impenitence because of your lack of love for God and Christ. Walking without the spirit of Jesus, you have encouraged irreligion, lightness, and unkindness in that you have indulged these evils yourselves. The result of this course you do not realize—souls are lost that might have been saved. { 5T 35.1} 
Many have strong feelings against Brother-----. They accuse him of unkindness, harshness, and severity. But some of the very ones who would condemn him are no less guilty themselves. He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.” Brother-----has not always moved wisely, and he has been hard to convince where he has not taken the best course. He has not been as willing to receive counsel, and to modify his methods of instruction and his manner of dealing with his students, as he should have been. But those who would condemn him because of his defects could in their turn be justly condemned. Every man has his peculiar defects of character. One may be free from the weakness which he sees in his brother, yet he may at the same time have faults which are far more grievous in the sight of God. { 5T 35.2} 


   Bible religion is very scarce, even among ministers. I mourn day and night for the coarseness,  the harshness,  the unkindness in words and spirit, that is manifested by those who claim to be children of the heavenly King, members of the royal family. Such hardness of heart, such a want of sympathy, such harshness is shown to those who are not special favorites, and it is registered in the books of heaven as a great sin. Many talk of the truth, they preach the theory of the truth, when the melting love of Jesus has not become a living, active element in their character. { TM 151.1} 


  Let us make a covenant with God that we will not speak one word of envy or unkindness. Let not your lips dishonor God by fretful words of complaint and dissatisfaction. Educate your lips to praise Him from whom all blessings flow. — Review and Herald, May 1, 1888. { VSS 143.1} 


  It is the absence of the graces of God’s Spirit that leaves the home in a dark, unhappy condition. Your home should be a blessed sanctuary where God can come in, and where His holy angels can minister unto you. If impatience and unkindness are manifested one to another, angels cannot be attracted to your home; but where love and peace abide, these heavenly ones love to come and bring still more of the holy influence of the home above. { HP 99.6 }  and  { OFC 150.6} 


   The spirit of hate and revenge originated with Satan, and it led him to put to death the Son of God. Whoever cherishes malice or unkindness is cherishing the same spirit.... In the revengeful thought the evil deed lies enfolded, as the plant in the seed.... In the gift of His Son for our redemption, God has shown how high a value He places upon every human soul, and He gives to no man liberty to speak contemptuously of another. We shall see faults and weaknesses in those about us, but God claims every soul as His property—His by creation, and doubly His as purchased by the precious blood of Christ. All were created in His image, and even the most degraded are to be treated with respect and tenderness. God will hold us accountable for even a word spoken in contempt of one soul for whom Christ laid down His life.... { RC 70.3} 


   We must have a living dependence upon a living God. And when there is a living connection with a living God, Christ abides in the heart by living faith, and the human agent works after Christ’s life. He is going to change our life and character, speaking the words that Christ speaks, revealing the character that Christ reveals. And if trials come to us, we will not manifest a rebellious spirit. The opportunities will present themselves to every one of us, because we see oppression and unkindness, and because we see burdens that would be thrown upon us, and let self come in and exhibit itself. { UL 62.2} 


  We, living far down the passage of ages, have the privilege of studying the Old Testament in connection with the New. Our faith and courage should be strong as we see prophecies fulfilling. But how many there are who are unbelieving. How many there are who reveal selfishness and unkindness in their dealings with one another. How many professing Christians seem never to be satisfied unless they are engaged in strife. How many home circles are broken because the members receive and act upon Satan’s suggestions. { UL 163.2} 


  When a man professes to be sanctified, and yet in words and works may be represented by the impure fountain sending forth its bitter waters, we may safely say, that man is deceived. He needs to learn the very alphabet of what constitutes the life of a Christian. Some who profess to be servants to Christ have so long cherished the demon of unkindness that they seem to love the unhallowed element, and to take pleasure in speaking words that displease and irritate. These men must be converted, before Christ will acknowledge them as His children. { YRP 54.3} 


   We are in great danger of looking upon sin as a small matter, unworthy of notice.  Sins of unkindness, of impatience, of fault-finding, of unthankfulness, of pride in imitating the fashions of a doomed world, should not be lightly regarded. The channels of thought and action are worn deep and broad by repetition. The longer one pursues a given course of conduct, the greater is the probability that he will continue the same course during life. Evil habits are like chains. to hold one to a wrong course. Then how earnestly should we begin the work of reformation. { RH June 3, 1880, par. 14 }


   Jesus, our exemplar, looks with abhorrence upon all who are cherishing unkindness. Says the beloved John, “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer.” How is it possible that the prayers of such shall be anything but an abomination in the sight of God? { RH November 6, 1883, par. 10 }


  Through constant watchfulness and prayer, we may grow in grace, and perfect Christian characters. But prayer will be no task to the soul that loves God; it will be a pleasure, a source of strength. Our hearts will be stayed on God, and we shall say by our daily life, “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world.” In view of what Jesus has done to redeem us from the power of Satan, how can we allow evil traits of character to gain the ascendency, thus giving Satan occasion to rejoice and exult, and bringing grief to Him who died for us? How can we cherish malice toward our brethren, the purchase of Christ’s blood, or even one feeling of unkindness? Let us put away all suspicion and hatred, and all feelings of bitterness even toward our worst enemies, those who are seeking to do us harm. But, brethren, do not wait until your heart is in harmony with your brother before you come to Jesus; for it is his spirit and power working in you that will give you the victory in this particular. { RH May 13, 1884, par. 10 }


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Unkind (302) Unkind to others (4)