Book of Matthew

                            g o s p e l     of     m a t t h e w                  

           Matthew   - -   Mark   - -    Luke   - -    John   - -   Acts   - -   Letters by Paul   - -   Hebrews   - -   Revelation

                        Movie:  Follows Matthew word for word

                        On-line sermons:   Matthew 24 by Stephen Bohr  ( part 1 of 24 ) - ( part 2 of 24 ) - ( part 3 or 24 ) - ( part 5 of 24 ) - ( part 8 of 24 )

Matthew  5: 11, 12 Beatitudes - Blessed are ye when . . .
Matthew  5: 17, 18               Jesus says, I do not come to change the law
Matthew  5: 23, 24 Be reconciled to thy brother
Matthew  5: 43 to 48 Love your enemies to be perfect
Matthew  6: 19 - 21 Where your treasure is, your heart is also
Matthew  7: 1, 2                  Jesus says, Judge not, that ye be not judged
Matthew  7: 13, 14 Enter by the strait gate not the broad way
Matthew  7: 21 - 23          

Not everyone who says Lord, Lord 

Demon possessed men healed                

Matthew  8: 28 - 34 Demon possessed men healed at Gadara
Matthew 13: 1 - 23             Parable of the Sower
+  Matthew 13: 24-30;  36 - 43    .   .   .   .   .   .    Parable of Wheat and the Tares
Matthew 13: 44                     Parable of the Hidden Treasure
Matthew 13: 45, 46              Parable of the Pearl
Matthew 14: 25 - 33             Jesus Walks on Water, Peter tries to
Matthew 15: 7 - 9                Teaching the Commandments of men
Matthew 15: 14 - 23            Parable about Kingdom of Heaven
Matthew 17: 14 - 23            Healing of a boy with a demon
Matthew 18: 10 - 11           Children have guardian angels
Matthew 18: 15 - 17            If a brother sins against you
+  Matthew 22: 1 - 14  Parable of Wedding Garment
Matthew 23:  1 - 16              The Seven Woes
Matthew 23: 33 - 38           Jews persecute the prophets
Matthew 24:  1 - 51          Jesus says, The end of the World
Matthew 25:  1 - 13           Parable of the ten Virgins
+  Matthew 25: 14 - 30 Parable of the Talents
Matthew 25: 31 - end Jesus says at Judgment, Ye did it unto me
Matthew 28: 18 - 20 The Great Commission

          Return to list of  Scriptures used in Old Testament  page

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Scriptures used-NT Book of Acts Book of Hebrews ( NT ) Book of John Book of Luke Book of Mark Epistles of John Letters by Paul Matthew 13:24-43 > Wheat and Tares Matthew 22, 1 to 14 Matthew 25: 13 - 30 Parable of Talents